I Think I Like Him

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*A week later*
Hunter's POV

     I was sat in my room talking to Edric on my scroll and just as we were about to end our conversation he said "Hey, hunter?" "Yea." I could see that he was nervous but then he said "We-ll I uh, ok so Grom is coming up in about a week and I wondering if you wanted to come with me?" I stared at the screen shocked that he would even ask me, "Uh, yea of course I Would love to go with you." I said while smiling like an idiot.

"Great, um its this upcoming Friday, ill pick you up at say 6pm?" "Yea, ill just tell my uncle that I'm hunting for pailsman again, I'm sure he wont care." I could see Edric trying to cover up his face because I think he was blushing, it was very cute. "Uh, I have to go, ill see you tomorrow at Luz's place?" I smile and say "Yea ill be there." "Alright bye Golden Boy." He said while waving and blowing a kiss at me, that meant nothing, right? I just waved bye to him and then he ended the call.

That boy has a way of making me smile whenever, especially if I'm in a bad mood due to Belos. I'm not sure what I'm feeling, at first I thought it was just me being happy to finally have a friend that gets me but that's not what this is. I mean Gus is my friend and I don't feel this way when I'm around him, so what is it? Mabey I should ask Luz, I mean she has a girlfriend so she must know something about this feelings thing.

I took my crystal ball and called Luz on it, she picked up within a couple of seconds and said "Hunter? Hey what's up?" I smiled and said "Nothing, I just wanted to talk to you about something." "Oh, what about?" She asked while sitting down on the couch in the living room. "Well, how did you know that you liked Amity?" She started smiling "Does this have anything to do with a certain green haired boy?" I laughed nervously "N-no, not at all."

"Ok, well for me I knew I liked her when I couldn't stop thinking about her, and when I always wanted to be by her side, oh and when I would always do so many embarrassing things in front of her." I sighed "How would I know if I liked someone?" "Well, do you think about them all the time?" I nodded yes, "Do you say or do stupid things when your around them?" Again I nodded yes, "Do they make you really happy, like just them being there brightens your day?" "Yea." She smiled softly and said "Then you might like them. Now are you going to tell me who this is about or am I going to have to be annoying to you until you do tell me?"

I sat there not even listening to what she was saying, Mabey I do like him. "I think I might have a crush on Edric." Luz squealed a bit before saying "Finally you realized it." "What do I do? Ive never felt this way before." Luz laughed and then said "Calm down Hunter, do you think you want to tell him?" Do I? To be honest I'm not sure if I want him to know, what if he hates me and doesnt want to be friends anymore? "Not yet, but I do need your help with something."

She smiled and said "What is is?" "Well, Edric kinda sorta asked me to Grom." I covered my ears because I knew she was about to start squealing again. "OMG! Edric asked you to Grom? You know what this means right?" "No." She looked at me and said "HE LIKES YOU TOO!" "Or he just wanted to go as friends. I don't think he likes me Luz, at least not like that." I sighed while thinking about how it would be if Edric did like me back, it would be nice.

"Hunter, hello are you there still?" I heard Luz say as I was brought out of my thoughts, "Huh? Oh yea sorry, um I have to go, Ill see you tomorrow Bye." And with that I ended the call and put my crystal ball back on my night stand. Could Edric like me? I mean he has been acting weird around me, and sometimes I catch him staring at me when I'm not looking, and then there was the phone call earlier with the little kiss at the end. I sigh, what am I thinking, he could never like someone like me.

Since it was late already I decided to change into my night clothes and try to fall asleep, which wasn't going to well so instead I just stared at the ceiling thinking. This was gonna be a long night.

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