Coming Out

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{Edric's POV}

        It had been a few hours since Hunter left and Mom and Dad had already came back from the convention, and I was in my room talking with Emira. "Hey, Em? Can I ask you something?" "Yea?" I looked at her and said "Do you think I should tell Mom and Dad that I'm dating a guy? I mean not telling them that its Hunter but at least telling them that its a guy." She looked at me, "Are you sure? I mean I know Dad might be fine with it but what about Mom? You know how she can be." I looked down at the floor and sighed, "I know but if I don't do it now I never will." She looked at me and smiled.

"If this is what you want to do, then go ahead. Ill be there for you no matter what." I smiled and got up from where I was sitting, "Will you go with me? Please?" She then got up from my desk chair and held out her hand for me to take. "Lets go." She smiled as I took her hand and she led me out of my room and downstairs to where our parents where.

When we got downstairs, Emira was still holding my hand as we walked up to our parents who were sitting in the living room, "Mom, Dad, I have something to tell you." Mom stood up and said "Yes, Edric?" I took a deep breath and said "I'm dating someone." She smiled and said "Who is she, we would love to meet her." I looked at Emira nervously and she nodded at me to continue. "I-It's not a girl." She looked at me confused, "Oh, who is he then?" I smiled and thought that this wouldn't be so bad, until I decided to say who it was.

"His name is Hunter." I don't know why I did it but I decided to say that she had already seen him before, "He's the one that was in that photo with me that you saw, you know where I was hugging him." Her face turned into a cold frown and that's when it turned bad, "YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THAT YOUR DATING THE GOLDEN GUARD!!" I flinched and Emira let go of my hand. "Y-Yes." She looked at Emira and said "EMIRA UP TO YOUR ROOM RIGHT NOW!" I looked at her and refrained from saying anything.

Emira had went back up to her room and our mother had looked at me and said "Now, Edric. Like I said before, I forbid you from seeing this boy ever again." "I thought you didn't care if it was a boy?" She looked at me and said "I don't, but this will not do, I will not have you ruining your sisters chances at getting into a coven by dating the emperors right hand man. So do we have an agreement? You will break up the Golden Guard and then you can date any boy you want."
I scoffed, "I don't want to date just any boy, I want to date Hunter. He's my boyfriend and he has been there for me when no one else has. He cares about me unlike you." I stood there waiting for whatever she was going to say next.

"I do care about you, but I also care about your sister getting into a coven." "You don't care, you never have. You only care when we do something good or do something that benefits you or your dear Amity." She looked at me like she was about to yell but instead she just said "Go to your room, I'm done with you." I stood there, not wanting to move because I wasn't done with this conversation, but then she said "GO, NOW!" I then ran upstairs to my room and closed the door. How could she not care how I feel about this, I cant lose Hunter, he's my everything.

Authors Note: I was going to write that Odelia didn't like that her son was Bi and dating a guy but then I thought about it, and I decided to make it more canon of her to accept that her child was dating the same gender just like she is with Amity and Luz I mean besides the factor that she doesn't like that her kid is dating Luz, anyways I just went with the factor that she didn't like it because he was dating the Golden Guard. Anyways that's my logic of what I wrote and I know it made no sense but whatever. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and thank you for reading.

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