I Think It's Love

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Hunter's POV

I was in my room thinking about the sleepover last night and how Edric and I stayed up watching movies until the early morning, it was the most fun I've had in well forever. Now I'm stuck in my room as instructed by Belos since I was a few minutes late this morning, whatever its fine, at least I still get to go to school with Edric and all my new friends. I never thought I would actually get to have friends my own age, its nice. I was lost in thought until I heard my scroll buzzing, Darius had gotten one for me to make connections with other people in the coven, but I honestly think he did it to let me interact with other kids my age. Ill have to remember to thank him for that.

I picked up my scroll and saw that I had a message from Edric, I opened it up and it said 'Hey, I got you something while in town with Emira and everyone, ill give it to you tomorrow at school.' I smiled thinking about what he could have gotten me, I mean whatever it is Ill love it because its from him. I started messaging him back and I put, 'Thank you, but you didn't have to get me anything.' I put my scroll down and went to sit with Flapjack at my desk, he chirped as I fed him a little treat.

Edric's POV

I met up with Emira and everyone back at the Ice Scream shop, "Ooo, Edric what did you buy?" Vinney said as she looked down at the bag I was holding. "It's a present for Hunter." I said as I grabbed the teddy bear out of the bag and showed her, "Aw, that is so sweet." "Yea, I hope he likes it." She smiled and said "Of course he will." I smiled and put it back in the bag. Soon Luz, Amity, Gus and Matt all showed up. We then all made our way's home. Amity decided to walk Luz home and so it was just Emira, Vinney and I walking back to our house.

Once we were back inside of our house, Vinney and Emira went straight to the kitchen to get snacks and I put my present for Hunter in my room before going back downstairs to join Emira and Vinney in the living room where they were eating and talking about the season finale of some show they had been watching, I sat down on one of the chairs and grabbed some chips that they had brought from the kitchen.

"So, Edric how is Hunter liking school?" I finished eating the chip that I had just put into my mouth and said "He loves it, he hasn't really been to public school before, he's mostly been homeschooled by his Uncles his whole life." Vinney nodded her head to signal that she was listening to everything I had said, "Well, I'm glad he's having a good time." I smiled and then felt my scroll buzz. I looked down at my scroll and it said 'Hunter'  "Speaking of, that's him right now." I looked at the screen and read what his message said.

[Text conversation between Edric and Hunter]
'Hunter' - Hey, I was just checking to see if you made it back ok?"

'Edric'- Hi, and we just got back. I'm just hanging out with Emira and Vinney right now.

'Hunter'- Ok, sorry I got to go, Kikimora is banging at my door and yelling at me for something I'm not sure what but I'll see you tomorrow, 👋

'Edric'- See you tomorrow, bye 👋

I closed my scroll and put it back in my pocket, I looked up smiling and Emira and Vinney were looking at me laughing. "What?" I said while covering my face since I could feel myself starting to blush, "Nothing, its just that Hunter seems to make you happy,and I mean really happy." Emira smiled, I looked down at my scroll thinking about what she said, I mean he did really make me happy. "He really does, I've never felt the way I do with him. It's nice to have someone who loves you unconditionally." Emira stopped smiling and did a motion like she was puking, "Ughh your making me sick with all this love." She laughed and Vinney looked at her, "Oh, come on like you don't love that stuff." She said as she stuck her tongue out.

I rolled my eyes and went back to eating the snacks that were on the table.

Authors Note: Ok so I know the tittle may not make sense since they technically already said that they love each other, but this is just Edric coming to more of a realization about how Hunter makes him feel. Did that make sense? I hope it did. Anyways thank you for reading and please have a good day/Night/Morning.

My Golden Eye Boy {Goldric}On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara