Cupcakes And Cuddles

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Edric's POV

     I knew what happened at the Owl House, with the whole Kikimora searching the house for Hunter. So, I decided to surprise him with some cupcakes and just spending time with him. Currently I'm heading over to The Owl House to see Hunter.

I finally made it to The Owl House and knocked on the door, a few minutes later Luz opened the door, "Hey, Ed." "Hey, I'm here to see Hunter." She smiled and looked down at the box in my hand, "Aw, did you make something for him?" I smiled and said "Yea, I wanted to surprise him with cupcakes because I knew he would be upset after this morning." Luz then let me inside and told me that Hunter would be in her room since that's where he was staying for now.

She walked into the kitchen where I assume king was and I made my way over to her room where Hunter was. I walked up to the door and knocked, "Luz, why are you kno-" Hunter said as he opened the door, "Oh, Edric hey." He said as he pulled me into the room. "Hey, I just thought I would come and spend some time with you, well and bring you cupcakes." He smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I put the box down on the desk and went up to him to give him a kiss on the lips.

After we pulled apart, I could see that Hunter was smiling and so I laughed, "What?" He said and I looked at him and smiled, "Your just so cute when you get flustered." He started blushing and said, "Shut up." He punched my shoulder lightly and then took my hand in his and led me over to the desk so that we could eat some cupcakes. I sat down on the chair and Hunter was about to sit on the floor when I patted the spot on my lap, he looked at me and said, "You want me to sit in your lap?" "Sure, why not?" I smiled as he blushed again.

He took a seat on my lap and continued to blush, I then brought the box up to him so that he could grab a cupcake, "Thank you." I smiled and got a cupcake for myself. We then ate our cupcakes while talking about things that we wanted to do this weekend like maybe going to carnival that's in town. "Thank you, for this. I really appreciate it." He turned to me and smiled, I could tell it was a sad smile. "Are you ok? I mean i know you're not ok with everything that happened but, like, you know what never mind sorry." He laughed.

"No, I know what you mean, and yea I'm fine, well as fine as I can be after everything. It just really scared me yesterday. I mean the thought of maybe having to go back to him, I-I can't do that Ed." He looked like he was about to cry, and then he did start crying so I just held him and told him, "Hey, everything is going to be ok. I promise, I will never let him get to you again." I rubbed his back to try and calm him down.

After a couple of minutes, he finally calmed down and I said, "How about we watch a movie and cuddle?" He smiled and then stood up and walked over to where his crystal ball was in his bag and grabbed it, come on we can lay on my sleeping bag, he scooted it closer to where the wall was so we could prop ourselves up against the wall. As soon as we were laying down on the sleeping bag, we picked a movie and started watching it while snuggled up together.

Authors Note: A special chapter all about Luz and Amity is coming because I love their relationship and I really want to write about them, I might make a fanfic about them who knows. Do you think I should? I might. Anyways have a great rest of your day.

My Golden Eye Boy {Goldric}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant