Party At The New House! Pt. 1

144 11 7

Edric's POV

      It's been around a week since Em, Amity and I all moved into our dad's new house for the summer, it's been fun getting to live with Hunter, I mean is it like im already married to him? Mabey, but it's still amazing to finally be out of our mom's house even if it is only for the summer. Tonight, Darius and Dad are planning on leaving for the weekend, so we have the house to ourselves, which means that it's time for a party to break in the new house.

Amity was totally against it until I mentioned that Luz could come and that changed her mind really fast.  Anyways currently Hunter and I are waiting for my dad and Darius to leave so that we can send out a mass message to everyone that we know about the party tonight. 

I walked over to where Hunter was, he was sitting down on his bed scrolling through pentstagram. I plopped down on the bed next to him and said, "Hi." I smiled and kissed him on the cheek, which made him look away from his scroll for a couple of seconds/ "Oh good, I have your attention now. So do you want to go with me to get the apples blood from Eda?" He smiled back and said, "Sure, when are Darius and your dad leaving?" "Uh, they should be almost done getting ready. I'll go check." 

I walked out of our room and went into the living room where Darius was standing with his bags, "Hey, did you need any help with the bags?" Darius looked at me suspiciously and said, "Edric Blight wants to help with something? What are you up to?" I rolled my eyes and laughed, "Nothing, can't I just help out sometimes, I mean im not all just pranks. I have compassion to." I help my hand up to my heart dramatically, which made Darius laugh. "Ok, come on grab that bag and bring it out {Halfway thorough writing this I remembered they don't have cars, but since its a fanfiction there can be anything, so they have magical flying cars.} to the car.

I grabbed the bag and followed him out to the car, I put the bag into the trunk with the rest of the bags and then Darius shut the trunk. Just then Em, Amity and Hunter walked out of the house with dad, "Alright, it's time to leave. Now I trust that you all won't do anything to get into trouble this weekend, right?" He looked over at Em and I, which yes, he was right to because we do get into the most trouble. "Yes, now you two go have fun. We will be just fine." 

I was ushering them to the car, but then dad turned to Amity and said, "Mittens, you're in charge of the twins for the weekend. I'm trusting you to make sure to report back to me on anything they did wrong like pranks or parties." Amity nodded her head and then we all gave our dad a hug and said goodbye, we watched as they left in the car and then we made our way back into the house.

"Ok, now Hunter and Ed are in charge of getting the apples blood from Eda, and Em and I will send the message out to everyone about the party." After that Hunter and I made our way out of the house and over to Eda's so that we could get the drinks for the party.

When we got to Eda's house, I knocked on the door and Luz answered, "Oh, hey guys, are you here for the apples blood?" I told her yes and then she let us in, she told us where the bottles were and so we went and got them, then on our way out we said bye and told her that we would see her and king at the party later.

Once we got back to the house, we took the cases inside and put them on the drink table, then we made sure everything was ready before the party started.

Authors Note: First of all, thank you so much for 9k reads on this story, im so appreciative of that. Next thing is, Sorry I haven't been posting, my grandmother was in the hospital for a couple of days after a fall, and now she is staying with us while she recovers and gets stronger. So I may not be posting as much since I am a part time caregiver for her, but I will try my best to at least post every other day. Thank you for understanding and have an amazing day.

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