Family Meeting

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Edric's POV

It had been around two days since our dad showed us his new place, it was nice and I think it would be a good change for us. Currently Em, Amity and I are waiting for our dad outside since its the weekend and were able to stay with him and Darius at there new place, he said it would be good so that we can start decorating our rooms how we want. "Hey, kids are you ready to go?" Our dad pulled up on his staff and then we all followed him on our own staffs.

Once we got to his house, we got off of our staffs and walked inside, we walked in and instantly I saw Darius and Hunter standing there in front of the couch talking. Hunter turned his head towards the door and smiled, "Edric!" He ran over to me and hugged me, I hugged back and when we let go my dad had stood next to Darius and said, "kids, can you please take a seat?"

We all sat on the couches, Hunter and I next to each other on one couch and Em and Amity on the other one. "Ok, so as you already know that Darius and I are together, and that you three will be coming to stay with us for the summer, but there is one more thing." Em looked up at him and said, "Don't tell me your adopting a baby." She made a face like she was not at all interested in having a new sibling, which I wouldn't be either.

"Not quite." Darius and him laughed lightly and then Darius looked at us smiling and said, "Actually, Hunter is moving in with us at the beginning of summer." I turned to Hunter and said "really?" He nodded and smiled. I turned back to dad and Darius, "wait, so does that mean your adopting him Darius?" "Well, that's up to Hunter, in time he can make his decision." Hunter smiled slightly.

"So, that means Hunter and I are sharing a room?" Darius turned to me and said, "Yes, and I have gone through all the rules that go with you two sharing a room with Hunter and I hope you will abide by those same rules." "Of course." I smiled and turned back to Hunter who was now holding my hand. "Alright, now that we got that out of the way, who wants pizza for dinner?" We all agreed on getting pizza and while Darius was ordering, Hunter and I snuck off to our room.

I sat down in the middle of the empty room, and Hunter sat next to me. "It's so awesome that Darius is letting you live with him." He turned to look at me and said, "Yea it really is." I could tell he didn't really want to talk about it at the moment, probably because it meant that he had to leave Luz, Eda and King, so I decided to just move on to a new topic.

"I'm happy to finally have control over what I put in my room, at our mom's house she never really let s put what we wanted, it was always what she approved of only." Hunter looked at me and smiled, then he hugged me, "I'm sorry she did that. If it helps we can decorate it however you want to." I pulled away from the hug and said, "No, we have to decorate how we want to, you get a say in it as well. So whatever posters or things you want in here you can put in here." He continued to smile, "Even stuffed animals? Belos was always a bit mad when I decided to keep my stuffed animals around my room." I smiled and said, "Of course, you can have an many stuffed animals as you want."

He leaned in and kissed me, and when we pulled away I could feel myself blushing, "Come on, lets go before they accuse us of breaking one of the rules of sharing the room." I said in a mocking tone that made Hunter and I laugh. We then got up and started walking out of the room and back into the living room while talking about what we wanted in our room.

Authors Note: Sorry for the late update, I've been trying to get one out but haven't been able to. Anyways have an amazing day and I hope you enjoy the chapter. P.s it's my 23rd Birthday today!!! Ok I'm done bye.

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