The Wedding

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Edric's POV

Today was the day, and by that, I mean the day Darius and my dad get married. I'm just so happy for them, if anyone deserves this its him. Right now im at the venue helping Hunter and my sisters set up for the reception, "Hey, can you put this on that table over there?" I asked Hunter as I handed him one of the name cards. "Sure." He smiled and walked over to place the card on the table.

After we had finished putting all the name cards and center pieces on the table. we all made our way to where the wedding ceremony was taking place. Hunter and I took our places, Hunter next to Darius and me next to where my dad would be standing. Everyone had shown up and taken their seats.

When the music had started, everyone had turned their heads toward the end of the aisle and standing there in his tux was my dad looking the happiest he's been in a while and at that moment I knew that any doubt, if I had any about this whole relationship, well now it was put to rest because I can see how happy they make each other and that's all that matters to me.

I watched as my dad walked down the aisle and up to the love of his life, After the ceremony was over Dad and Darius went off to take their wedding photos while the guest went ahead to the dining hall where dinner would be served. We all got our food and started eating while waiting for the grooms to make there entrance.

I was talking to Hunter when I heard my sister announce that our dad and Darius were now entering the room, "I'm happy to introduce to you Mr. and Mr. Deamonne! {Yea I went with Darius's last name} They walked in hand in hand smiling. "Thank you to everyone that came out tonight to celebrate our wedding day with us, i just want to thank my kids and there friends for helping us make today possible, now everyone enjoy the food and drinks and don't hesitate to do some dancing tonight!"

They both got there food and took a seat at there table. The rest of the night was amazing and everyone had a great time.

Authors Note: I know this chapter was short but I really just wanted to get a chapter out as soon as possible since its been a wbile since I last posted and its also late and I'm tired but I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

My Golden Eye Boy {Goldric}Where stories live. Discover now