Party Planning

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       Edric's POV

              I was sitting in my room talking to Emira about our upcoming birthday, and we were trying to figure out if we wanted to just let our mom plan the party or if we were going to do it this year. In the end we decided to go with us planning it because our mom will probably just ruin it like every "So, where do you think we should have the party?" "How about if we ask Eda if we can have it at the Owl House? I'm sure she wont mind." I smiled at that idea and said "Sure, lets go ask her."  We then made our way over to The Owl House.

When we got there we knocked on the door and Raine had answered, they smiled at us and said "Hey guys, if your looking for Luz she's in her room." I looked at them and returned the smile, "No, were actually here to ask Eda something." Raine then invited us into the house and closed the door behind us, then they called out for Eda, who then came into the living room within seconds.

"Eda, apparently the twins have a question for you." They said while sitting on the couch, "You do?" We both nodded and said "Can we have our birthday party here?" She smiled and said, "Of course you can, how old are you anyways? 15?" We both looked at each other and laughed before I said "No, were turning 17." "Awesome, well as long as there's apples blood, I'm all for it." We both said thank you and then went to Luz's room to see if she could help with the party planning.

I knocked on Luz and Hunter's bedroom door, mabey he could help also with the party planning. A couple seconds later the door opened and Luz was standing there holding a tiny bow in her hand, she said "Hey guys, what's up?" She invited us into her room, then we saw Hunter sitting on the floor with one side of his hair in a pigtail. I tried holding back the laughter, while Emira went full on laughing at him. "EDRIC WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" He said while trying to hide his hair.

Luz and Emira continued to laugh while I just smiled at how cute Hunter was when he was embarrassed, "Hunter, stop it looks cute." I laughed a bit and then went up to him and put his hands down so I could see his hair. He looked up at me and said "You really think so?" I extended my hand to him to help him stand up, "Yes, I think everything about you is cute." He smiled and I could see a hint of him blushing. "Thanks." He said as he took my hand in his and stood up.

I turned to Luz and Emira and said, "Ok, now for what we came in here for. Luz, Hunter, will you help us plan our birthday party?" We asked Eda if we could have it here and she said yes." They both smiled at us and said "Yea, we can help." "Great and Amity said she would help to. Well more like she has no choice since we are her siblings." I said. "Ok, lets get started." So we all sat down and started discussing what we wanted our party to be like and what decorations and people we wanted there.

Authors Note: Hi, thank you so much for 6k reads! That is crazy, I really appreciate it so much. Thank you for even reading this story, Honestly when I started it I didn't think anyone would like it, but thank you for liking it. Like always have a wonderful Day/ Afternoon/ or Night.

My Golden Eye Boy {Goldric}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ