Part 1 Chp 8: Taehyung, The Man Whose Heart Is Crying

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With a smug grin on his face, Taehyung is now ambling through the expansive palace, heading in a direction that not even he knows. Upon witnessing Taehyung's current attitude, the palace guards patrolling the interior, along with a few servants, promptly saluting him. However, their expressions were stiff with shock.

Taehyung simply grinned broadly at everyone who was wishing him a happy greeting. His eyes were now beaming with delight, which caused the guards' stern expressions to become even more rigid with confusion as they saw the happy visage of the crown prince of the East, the kingdom's most significant recent guest.

As Taehyung makes his way through the royal passageways, he notices the large portrait in the center of the space. Looking at the painting will give you the impression that it depicts a rather cheerful and endearing family. He noticed a bulk man with a smile standing on the side. The man was dignified and attractive, and there was a stunning woman beside him, whose beauty even surpassed that of the actresses he frequently watches on TV. The woman held an innocent, smiling baby boy in her tight yet gentle grasp.

Taehyung recognized at once that this painting held the greatest significance within this palace. Why does it matter to the novel's plot?

Because, according to the novel, the king painted the scene inside using a crystal ball that, like current cameras, has the ability to capture images for a certain amount of time. To put it briefly, the current monarch, Jungkook's father, painted this picture. Prior to the passing of Jungkook's mother, the consort queen, this painting served as the family's first and last portrait together.

Since of this, everyone in the palace—including the distinguished visitors—was cautious not to destroy or harm the picture since, in the worst case scenario, they wouldn't know if they would survive to leave the palace if they ruined this portrait.

He resumed exploring the palace once more once he had become satisfied by gazing at the family portrait, particularly at the appearance of the male lead when he was still a baby. His mind instantly jumps to what's going on right now between this world's protagonist and male lead, Jungkook and Myung.

In order for the novel's plot to eventually resume its proper pacing, Taehyung, for the most part, truly wanted to slip out of this place and return to their kingdom, leaving his younger brother in the care of his future lover. However, considering all the horrible acts the first older brother had done to his younger brother, he felt that if he also did the same terrible thing and left his younger brother alone, crying in solitude, then he could once again be seen as the older brother who was pressuring and bullying his younger brother. Just being similar to that original first elder brother, but with distinct goals.

He genuinely doesn't want Myung, the main character, to despise him or even feel depressed, as in the first book when Myung sobbed out of worry and fear since he was so disappointed that he hadn't come with his brother. Despite the fact that Myung's arrival in the Kingdom of the West on his own marked a turning point in the story between him and the male lead, he ultimately made the decision to remain here with his younger brother, primarily because he was eager to see how the main protagonist's pure love blossomed. Particularly considering that Taehyung believes that if he were made the moe protagonist to cry, his life will be really in jeopardy.

Even though the current events—him arriving at the palace—differ from those in the original piece of work, Taehyung believes that the plot won't be hampered by this adjustment. He could even assist in pushing these two loves further, as he is doing at the moment. Who knows, maybe the gradual burn of love will turn into a fast-moving one.

Again, Taehyung laughed at his own reflections. He made the decision to sneak over to the courtyard to observe if anything strange was occurring to them both at this point.

"Brother!" Just as his feet are now closing to one of the tall pillars in the courtyard, he rotates his head to see who shouted at him and his eyes widened in shock.

Myung is striding towards him!

Taehyung's current level of amazement is so great that his jaw almost reaches the floor.

This moe protagonist is approaching me; why is that? The male lead, where are you? He's not with Jungkook; why is that? Fuck it all, that's for sure!

Feeling Myung's soft shoulder shake, Taehyung turned back to himself before hearing Myung say, "Hyung! Older brother! What's wrong? Why is your face so shallow?" With a heavy sigh, he pulled himself together once more before coming up with numerous justifications for this turn of event.

"I'm fine, I'm fine… B-But why are you here? I had told you to remain there because I am getting something on the carriage, right? Where in the world is Jungkook?” Taehyung said. After hearing that his older brother is well, Myung sighed heavily before responding to Taehyung's barrage of inquiries.

"After you left this location, Prince Jungkook went out of the courtyard. I just acknowledged him when His Highness bid me a short farewell but the both of you, especially you, were still not returning after quite some time and so, I became concerned and decided to venture out of the courtyard also to go look for you but gladly, I instantly noticed you shortly thereafter." Myung was beaming as he tightly held his brother's hands.

Taehyung's face is unhappy, while Myung is contented. A range of emotions, including sadness, disappointment, irritation, and more, are twisted on Taehyung's face.

For a fudanshi such as himself, nothing is more distressing than when his main ship does not sail smoothly. He's crying so much that his heart is shedding a lot of blood right now.

Where in the frickity freaking world did Jungkook end up? How come he didn't stay with Myung? That momentum and scene, I even developed it all for them!

Taehyung asked: "Uhm... So... W-Where did Jungkook go?"

Myung simply shrugged his shoulder and replied, "I am not certain, but it looks like he intended to follow someone or something outside? He stormed out earlier with a troubled face.”

What the fuck?!


Moe - used in slang refers to feelings of affection, adoration, devotion, and excitement felt towards characters that appear in manga, anime, video games, and other media (usually Japanese).


The update should be yesterday but due to the problem of my connectivity, it was moved today so I apologize 🙇 But as usual, thank you for patiently waiting, reading and voting this story, borahae 💜

I know this is late but BTS's speech at the white house, omg! I'm so proud of our boys 😭💞

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