Part 3 Chp 30: Myung, The Main Character Who's Now Sobbing and Pleading.

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Despite the fact that the sun is still shrouded in clouds, people can be heard rustling inside the castle, which suggests that some people are awake.

"Yes... I appreciate you keeping my sons here, and I apologize for all the trouble they've caused while they've been here," Taehyung and Myung's father said.

"Haha! We're dear friends after all, so it's okay. Don't worry about your sons either; they are very respectful, submissive, and nice."

Taehyung and Myung, whose eyes are gushing crimson for understandable reasons, bowed deeply at the king. Taehyung smiled and told all his gratitude towards the king, "No worries! You can come here again, Taehyung and Myung! You're always welcome in our place!"

Taehyung chuckled with courtesy but Myung, on the other hand, just bowed again before leaving his place to go to the carriage that was waiting for the royal family of the Kims.

"Is Myung having bad weather today?" The king asked as he, from the start, noticed Myung's red eyes and odd expression. But the king decided to ignore it for a while as it's not his business and the king HAS a slight theory about it but oh well, curiosity really kills a cat.

As the great gentleman that he is, Taehyung respectfully said, "U-Uh.. I apologize for my younger brother's action towards you, Your Majesty... I apologize if he offended you by his actions." In addition, Taehyung doesn't want them to think that Myung was raised to be disrespectful towards others because, in his heart, he still believes that Myung is still that kind, harmless boy who couldn't even murder a fly. Despite being aware of the significant change in the narrative, Taehyung still wants to believe that Myung is STILL the main protagonist.

The king simply laughed and shrugged it off before turning to face the other king in the room, Taehyung and Myung's father, and said, "Anyways, about the wedding... I think we both know the answer if it is still going to happen, right?"

"Hmm... Yeah, don't worry. I'll discuss it with Myung when we get home. Well, I see it coming, because obviously you know who your son truly likes since their childhood."

"Yes," the king said, "That's why I was really surprised when he told me about that. I mean, I don't care who my son is married to in the future. I don't care if it's just a commoner or a member of royalty or hell, even if it's from another world; but it's kind of obvious who he'll end up with." Taehyung, on the other hand, made the decision to go away so that their father and the monarch could have a private conversation without interruption. But if Taehyung claims that the king and their father's remark didn't make him uncomfortable or interested, he is lying.

Who in the world is that? Is it possible that they are referring to me?

Taehyung immediately shook his head and lightly slapped his cheeks.

No, idiot! You're just a lost soul that went inside this body! Meaning, there's a possibility that that person they're talking about is the original Kim Taehyung!

Taehyung is very interested in learning about their past or the reason for, in Taehyung's thought the author's alleged narrative flaw in the story. Because if that person is the actual Kim Taehyung, then there must be a very profound reason why this original bastard character—whom Taehyung despises more than anything in his whole life—became the story's most terrible antagonist.

"Why are you slapping yourself? Are you still sleepy?"

Even though it's clear that he's still drowsy after Taehyung glanced at him, rolled his eyes at him, which Taehyung thinks is one of his favorite actions whenever he is confronting Arya, and swiftly approached the man before embracing him in a strong hug. Taehyung is likewise unsure of why he hugged the other man; perhaps it was out of gratitude for the fact that he had been both his physical and emotional support. Or perhaps he's simply embarrassed to acknowledge that he misjudged Arya's character when they first met and is now regretting it deeply with his heart and soul.

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