Part 2 Chp 20: Jungkook, "I Love You."

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Whoa, the forest is enormous— I truly meant it when I said that! My dream place to travel with, the amazon forest, makes me feel as though I've traveled there upon coming here.

"Why is it so dark already?" I unconsciously blurted out. I think we entered at exactly 5:30 pm but it's so dark already? Why does the sun become shy of us suddenly?

Jungkook chuckles, "Well, it's the start of the winter months." Oof. There's also the concept of "winter months" here? This novel is really interesting, it's like I didn't just leave the planet Earth.

"Let's go?" I nodded, emotions rising at the thought of our team winning. Well, Jungkook is my partner and we have all the advantages since I'm with the male lead of the story, the male lead who has a halo and who's even God and Goddesses' favorite.

If it's not us, I hope Myung and that bastard's team win this game. It's a win-win situation for me as Myung's older brother lol.

We both started walking, with me simply following Jungkook because I plainly have no knowledge of this area. Indeed, I'm nosy about a lot of things, but not about this sort of thing.

"Taehyung, can we talk?"

"H-Huh?" I arched my brow, we're literally having a conversation right now, though? Or have I committed a sin that I'm unaware of? Did this sucker Kim Taehyung do something that wasn't described in the book that I didn't notice?

"Uh.. No.. I mean, talk, just us, having a serious conversation. It's been.. what? It's been years since we're this close again, just us two, alone, without anyone in our surroundings."

Ah… Yes, it's not quite known by the fans of this novel but this prince and Jungkook were the original best friends. They were really close, because Jungkook loved Taehyung the first time he saw him, the difference was that Prince Taehyung didn't just like Jungkook, but due to unknown reason, he became obsessed with Jungkook and that's what makes him become toxic and evil.


"Bro?..." Jungkook's face now contorted into an unknown emotion while looking at me. Omg, don't look at me like that, like I'm possessed by something! I'm even seeing all the question marks floating above your head!

"W-WHAT I MEAN IS! How are you, Jungkook? Are you doing just, uhm, fine?"

Jungkook chuckled and then he nodded his head softly, "Yeah… Well, in the past, no. But right now, I'm more than fine knowing I am finally with my solace again." Jungkook said while we were both staring at each other. His eyes glistened at me so I smiled back at him. So he's really that happy that he and Myung reunited again? Myung's even Jungkook's solace…

I rarely say this but Jungkook's really my ideal man. Starting up until the end of the chapter, he's just a green flag, in every way. Jungkook made me raise my standards in men so high.

Myung, you're really a lucky one. I hope someday, I can also get my own version of Jeon Jungkook.

"That's good. All I hope for you is your eternal happiness. Just go with what you really like or… with whom you really like and don't waste your time!" I smiled Innocently, please get my message, Your Highness! Please don't just stand there and be together with Myung already!

"Really? Do you think I should get that person? The one whom I like? If I do that, do you think that person will like me too?" OF COURSE, YES! GO AND GET YOUR BOY, DUMBASS!

"Yes, Your Highness. After all, you're easy to love. You and that person deserve each other's love." I stopped my walk that makes Jungkook stop in his tracks also, I faced him while smiling widely.

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