Part 2 Chp 23: Jungkook, Will I Forget These Feelings?

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After hearing Jungkook's sudden declaration, the room fell silent, and no one dared to speak or even move. But, Jungkook continued to take long deep breaths while glaring at them.

The stillness was broken by Jungkook's father, who asked, "W-Wha– Jungkook? W-What are you talking about?" He stepped up to his son and attempted to touch his shoulder, but Jungkook only brushed his hand away.

While his voice still roiled with rage, Jungkook screamed, "This is the last time I'm going to say it. I don't want that fucking marriage! I don't want this fucking engagement!"

Everyone was startled when they saw the monarch slapped his beloved son, warning him to watch his language because he was still his father.

Myung raced over to them and tried to calm the king and Jungkook, "Y-Your Majesty! Your Majesty, please calm down," "P-Please... Let's all calm down. Your Highness J-Jungkook..." But Jungkook ignored Myung and stormed away without turning to look at anyone.

Myung murmured gently, "I-I shall be going to speak to him, Your Majesty. Maybe... He'll calm down because of me.." and the king simply nodded, grinning remorsefully. After smiling back, Myung followed Jungkook outdoors.

The king addressed the bewildered throng, "Everyone, I apologize for what occurred. The banquet was already over. Thank you for coming."

The Eastern king then asked Jungkook's father, "Will they be okay? Should we call off this marriage? I'm worried about Myung as his father."

"We should not stop this wedding, but let's wait and see, my friend. I still believe in Jungkook and Myung."

The Eastern monarch just nodded while making his eyes through the crowd, "But… I still haven't seen my oldest son. Where is that kid.."

"Don't worry about Taehyung. He's just alright… I think."


I handed the two tickets to the same hulking man I had met before, and he unlocked the tent's entrance. It really feels deja vu.

Arya questioned, "So why would you suddenly wish to come here?"

I asked back, glancing at him, "Is it wrong for me to come here again?" but he only shrugged, taking his eyes off me. Due to the prolonged holiday the nation is currently experiencing, the carnival is the same but livelier. Compared to Christmas day at Lotte World, this place seems more bustling, with people laughing and just enjoying themselves.

Arya suddenly held my hand, which made me jerked a bit at the action, as we moved toward the unknown location that Arya only knew where, "Where are we going?" but Arya just remained mute at my question.

Then we came to a stop in front of a shooting booth game where little to large plush animals were being given away as prizes.

"Are you interested in playing this game? What are we doing here?"

I'm short in comparison to Arya, so he craned his neck down and glanced into my eyes before saying, "What do you want? I'll win it for you."

"W-Wha– Really? What spirit has gone into your body? Why are you so kind to me today?"

Arya rolled his eyes at me while setting up the toy shooting gun—like he's just preparing his real gun—and answered, "I'm always kind, Taehyung. Now, pick." I chuckled before starting to acquire each stuffed animal. They're all adorable; there are lions, cats, dogs, pandas, and even...

I gestured toward the largest stuffed animal on display, saying, "I want that." My finger was followed by Arya, who scowled and asked, "That fucking bunny?"

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