Part 3 Chp 32: Myung, What Are You Even Doing?

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"Attention, children! The name of this noble man beside me is Taehyung-ssi, greet him!"

The kids gathered in front of Taehyung right away, bowing deeply and shouting, "Nice to meet you, Taehyung-ssi!"

When Jihoon heard the chorus of greetings, he grinned contently. Taehyung nodded respectfully and grinned at the youngsters in front of him because he believes that regardless of an individual's position in life, whether they are an adult or a child like them, everyone deserves to be treated with respect. The attitude he has even when he's living back on Earth

"Even when I met some of you in different circumstances," Taehyung subtly glances towards Chan who immediately looked down while biting his lips out of nervousness. Taehyung chuckled slowly after seeing the kid's actions and so, he decided to go beside the boy and wrapped his arm around his shoulder, "But that doesn't mean that I'm not glad to meet all of you. Nice to meet you, children! You can call me an elder brother or just by my name, whatever suits your cup."

Taehyung flushed right away at the children's giggles and loud cries of Taehyungie hyung and Taehyungie oppa. He truly loves children to the point that being a kindergarten teacher was his ideal career back then, different from the dream career of some of his buddies, especially his best friend Jennie. Jennie even questioned him on why he was so taken with these "little demons," Taehyung simply smacked her head and gushed about how adorable "little angels" they are.

"And as for you, just like what I said earlier, I already forgive you but don't do that again, okay?" Chan smiled widely and nodded furiously, Taehyung grinned back, knelt down to give the boy a hug, and muttered, "After all, thanks to you, I've met the one I'm looking for." Chan arched his brow, but Taehyung only chuckled once again and nudged him gently toward the other kids, saying, "Go play with them now."

Taehyung rose up once more as he admired the view in front of him while grinning. The similar adoring emotion could be seen on the faces of Jihoon and Soonyoung as they stood next to him.

"What's that boy's age?"

"Channie?" Jihoon asked and Taehyung just nodded, still watching the loving faces of playing children.

"He's 9 years old, he's one of the oldest here."

Taehyung was slightly taken aback upon hearing that Chan was the oldest in the group, "If you don't mind me asking... uhm... What is his story? Why is he... here?"

Jihoon smiled and shook his head, "Of course Your Highness, I don't mind," Soonyoung also nodded his head.

"Lee Chan is his full name, so unlike other children here, he's the only one with a monosyllable name."

"Oh, really? I just thought Chan was his nickname..." Jihoon chuckled at Taehyung's side comment and shook his head, "I understand your surprise, Your Highness, since it's rare for parents to name their children with a monosyllable name."

"Anyways, Channie was already here when he was just a baby, an infant. We were awakened by a loud knock in the middle of the night. I already know that when someone knocks on our door, it means that someone has left their baby outside in front of our door once more, and we were right-it is really another baby, who is wailing loudly from hunger and the cold." Taehyung immediately stared at the current beaming Chan and his heart broke upon imagining how hard it was for Chan that day. How that vivacious child was shaking and moaning that night due to hunger and cold an infant should not be experiencing.

"I know it sounds biased or unfair to you, Your Highness, but I already adopted Chan in my own wish, so in a way, I'm now his parent and legal guardian," Taehyung's mouth widened upon hearing that Jihoon adopted Chan in his own wish, but Taehyung immediately regained his composure and smiled widely, "Of course not. I am aware that you would like to adopt every child here if you could, and that Chan's adoption would not change the reality that you don't love them all equally."

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