Part 1 Chp 9: Taehyung, Embarrassed?

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Taehyung is still experiencing an existential crisis over why his plan didn't succeed, and it even backfired on him because he was forced to create another fantastic opportunity for the excellent male lead and his adorable younger brother to be reunited again.

In an attempt to hypnotize the adorable little protagonist, Taehyung softly questioned him, "My dear younger brother, if one day your hyung will decide to leave you here alone because of an important matter, what will you do?"

"No! I'm going back with you, hyung!" Just as he thought. So this plan will not really work.

Taehyung might as well carry out his grand and ambitious scheme…

"Hyung, why are you smirking like an idiot there?"

'H-huh? N-Nothing, nothing! Don't mind your hyung here. Let's go and search for Prince Jungkook!" Myung reluctantly nodded and continued walking, looking ahead once more. Taehyung's head slumped comically as he cursed inside.

A royal servant abruptly arrived at their side, "Your Highnesses, His Majesty keeps on looking for you since dinner is ready. Please follow me to the dining hall,” and they simply nodded, dutifully following the servant.

As soon as the two brothers entered the hall, Taehyung's eyes grew wide at the sight of the king sitting in the center of a vast table filled with food, ranging from large dishes like chicken and turkey to little side dishes, there's even a bunch of desserts.

Can we even finish that?! That is for a death sentence, not for dinner!

However, he quickly realized that just the king was present—Jungkook was still nowhere to be found. Taehyung attempted to use his magic probe to locate Jungkook as he was seated next to the king, but he was unable to detect him anywhere, indicating that Jungkook had concealed his presence from everyone.

It's one of the most fundamental and simple magics a person with powers can perform. You can use it anywhere and at any time. If it's open, you can see everything that's beyond your field of view, much as in video games. However, despite its ease of usage, it still has drawbacks for certain individuals. For example, Taehyung, or rather the original Kim Taehyung, has limited physical mana and can only reach a distance of twenty meters, while Jungkook can reach the entirety of the West Kingdom. If the subject wishes to prevent anyone from finding out where they are at the moment, they can also disable this probing. However, if the subject encounters a perilous situation, he can cast an exemption spell on someone he can completely trust, who will be able to find him quickly, even if his mana is turned off.

Therefore, although this magic is widely used and simple to apply, it is still not very effective. It was just made famous for couples to demonstrate to one another their sincere love and trust for one another. Similar to how it is in the book, the protagonist and male lead merely set each other up for magic probes.

Just as Taehyung is furrowing, he hears footsteps and his expression instantly changes. As soon as he looked up from his meal, he noticed the male lead approaching the table with a brilliant aura. The gazes of Taehyung and Jungkook were locked with each other. One had an admiration and joyous expression on his face, while the other had an inexplicable expression.

“Dad," Jungkook greeted his father before sitting down to the monarch’s right, in front of Taehyung. Jungkook's eyes never leave Taehyung's.

"Son, you're finally here, so shall we start eating?" The king happily grabbed his utensils and started getting some food on the table.

"Prince Taehyung, did you lose your way earlier? I couldn't find you." Taehyung quickly halted the incoming spoon in his mouth upon hearing his name called by the male lead. Taehyung was taken aback by the male lead's inquiry before glancing at his brother who was looking at him as well.

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