Part 3 Chp 31: Myung, What is Your True Nature?

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Currency and money used here (will be using dollar currency):

1 bronze coin - ¢95

1 copper coin - $1

1 silver coin - $10

1 gold coin - $100

Of course, mostly people with status or wealthy merchants are the only ones who can purchase gold coins; everyone else uses bronze, copper, and silver coins, thus owning a gold coin is truly a blessing for them.


"How much is this?"

"Just three coppers, sir."

"Alright, I'll buy that bag." The merchant, who's happy that his shop already has its first customer, immediately followed Taehyung's order, even wrapping it as delicately as possible.

"Here you go, sir."

"Thank you." Taehyung then gave the man 1 gold coin, "Keep the change." Taehyung grinned and bid his farewell before leaving the store. After being given an enormous amount of money, the owner of the store is still beaming with happiness since his first customer is not only a wealthy individual and venerable, but also so attractive that he may be compared to all the Gods and Goddesses up above. It feels like a God truly descended from heaven!

The merchant, even though Taehyung left his place, still respectfully kowtowing towards the leaving figure of Taehyung and shouted, "Everyone! I just saw a living God!"

It goes without saying that the royal capital's street is constantly busy since it serves as the Eastern Kingdom's hub and is where all artisans and tradespeople come to sell their wares. The pathway also has many stalls queued up, with horses and coaches moving along without even stopping.

If Taehyung is indeed from this era and a part of royalty, then this location will be overwhelming for him since he is aware that there are many more crimes committed in locations like this, with stealing coming in at the top of the list. Fortunately, Taehyung is from the 21st century on Earth, so this situation is common for him, especially if you're residing in the country with Seoul as its capital.

Four skilled, high-ranking guards who his father dispatched to keep him safe could be seen plainly from Taehyung's peripheral vision, and this frustrates and worries Taehyung. Although Taehyung was aware that the guards were merely carrying out his father's orders, Taehyung's primary objective was to locate Kwon Hoshi. However, Taehyung knew that if he ever managed to locate Hoshi today, the guards would report everything he had done throughout the day, including his interactions with Hoshi, and that was the last thing he wanted to happen.

So the first thing he needs to do is to take these nuisance guards away, he needs to think how to make their attention away from him to the point that he'll not be seen again by these guards, but how will Taehyung do it?

Taehyung glanced from left to right, hell even from top to bottom, to see if he could escape from their line of sight and go to the nearest public bathroom to change his clothes that he bought earlier. Taehyung's already losing hope as people are currently scarce if it weren't for the group of male students, whom Taehyung presume are university students going on a trip in the capital.

Taehyung secretly smiled and immediately made and concealed himself in the middle part of the group. The men don't even mind nor care even if they see a new face in the group, they don't even know that that man who's currently walking alongside them is the crown prince of their country. Taehyung just followed the pack, he didn't even know where these young men's destination was, but luckily, he immediately noticed the public bathroom far ahead.

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