Part 1 Chp 13: Taehyung, With the Second Antagonist of the Novel

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Duke Arya, the cousin duke of Jungkook, is the second antagonist of the story!

Taehyung is really surprised after knowing that the man he met earlier with a gentle and calm attitude was the second antagonist of the story, the man who, besides his character, also tried breaking the relationship of Myung and Jungkook by all means.

As the original novel goes, after the author gave the readers a calm before the storm plot, the author puts another villain that everyone, even Taehyung, didn't expect as he thought that only this character, Prince Taehyung, was the only antagonist of the story.

Just like what is happening today, the King also introduces Duke Arya to Jungkook as his first cousin. Jungkook, with only Myung beside him that time, looked expressionless and void of any emotions upon seeing his cousin whom he hadn't met for so long. But Duke Arya, seeing the fragile and beautiful Myung, quickly took an interest in him.

Duke Arya was harassing Myung everyday, but Myung just silently ignored him and gave him an awkward smile for the reason of not wanting chaos to happen plus the mere fact that the King just recently died.

Not until Myung, who'd been tired of being silent about the harassment he's experiencing with Duke Arya, quickly told Jungkook about all of it. Jungkook, this time, was finally a King of the West, so with all the powers he had in his hands and with the furious rage, he quickly ripped off Arya of his title as the Duke, getting all his valuable and expensive things until none had left him. Jungkook even put a cursed in Arya's body, that if he, ever again, put his hand or even a bit of his skin or be near towards Myung and all of the people, he'll experience excruciating pain inside his brain that he'll think that it'll be better to just die than to live with this suffering.After that, he banished Arya out of the West Kingdom and was never seen again.

But who would've thought that Arya, with his handsome figure as a Duke back then now became a disheveled mess, becomes Prince Taehyung's loyal right-hand man, who at that time, was now blooming with jealousy and hatred towards his younger brother. Upon reading this part, Taehyung from Earth hated his name even more and just wanted himself to commit double murder towards these two bitches.

Using black magic literature as a guide, Prince Taehyung discovered a cure for Arya's curse. Naturally, though, because Jungkook is currently the most potent being and his curse is equally potent as his, Prince Taehyung was unable to lift any of his curses. However, with assistance from someone whose name was Fallen Angel, an unknown creature, the curse that prevents Arya from touching people, however, subsided but he was still forbidden from getting close to or to touch Myung.

Thus, Prince Taehyung offered his younger brother as a bribe and stated that if they both kill Jungkook, he will be able to totally satisfy his yearning for his younger brother. Arya's initial plan was to execute Jungkook, but Prince Taehyung quickly shut Arya off. He declared that only he was permitted to do anything with Jungkook and that if he touched him, he was going to murder both Arya and his younger brother. Arya simply nodded assent, resembling a dog that has received discipline from its owner.

Naturally, though, they were not successful in achieving their goals since in the end, Jungkook ruthlessly murdered Arya, who for the first time in his life gave Myung a gentle smile in his last moments of seeing the man he had fallen in love with.

Taehyung was buried in his own thoughts when he felt a hand jolting him out of his reverie. With a brief glance at his younger brother, who had adopted a worried expression, Taehyung directed his attention to the two figures who were still staring at each other without emotion. In order to give the two cousins their personal time to bond, the king left them all alone earlier.

Taehyung whispered in Myung's ear, "Just stay behind me, okay?" Myung just nodded stupidly in response. In order to keep Duke Arya from looking at his younger brother, Taehyung simply scowled at him and strengthened his shield. What Arya had done to Myung in the novel, Taehyung would not allow it to happen again. He would not allow his adorable and cute younger brother to come into contact with Arya's sight or skin.

Duke Arya turned to face Taehyung after growing weary of the frigid stare of Jungkook. "So your name is Taehyung, huh? Prince Taehyung of the East, I presume?" At the sight of Taehyung, his smile grew even wider.

Duke Arya smiled and said, "Why are you ignoring me now? You were so nice and courteous to me earlier. You're even embarrassed by conversing with me." Taehyung shook a little in disdain, but he didn't respond.

If I knew you were that fucking Arya, I wouldn't even spare my voice talking to you!

"Oho, who's that little man behind you?" Taehyung sneered at Duke Arya and blocked his younger brother even more after hearing Arya's question.

Taehyung remarked, bowing his head slightly at Duke Arya, "If you may excuse us, we'll go to our chambers then. Myung, let's go." He then took Myung's hand in his and they began moving.

However, Taehyung yelped in mild pain as soon as the Duke swiftly seized Taehyung's right hand when his figure landed next to him.

Duke Arya gently stroked Taehyung's hand and said, "Why so eager to leave?”

Upon seeing the event, Jungkook's already gloomy vision darkened even worse. He moved so rapidly to shove Duke Arya that his body even hit the statue's back again, demonstrating the might of Jungkook's strength.

Taehyung gave Duke Arya one last glance before Jungkook swiftly took hold of his hand and escorted them both to their quarters. Taehyung then went into the room with his younger brother.

With his back still against the statue, Duke Arya lifted his palm and breathed in its scent tenderly. He smirked once again and turned to head to his own room, which was on the floor above Taehyung's.

Since Myung is already in Taehyung's room, the initial idea of having a separate room for each brother was quickly shelved.

Myung questioned, like a seven-year-old kid eager to discover the wonder of this vast world, "Big brother, is Duke Arya dangerous?" Taehyung attempted, but ultimately failed, to squeeze this moe protagonist's cheeks.

While getting Myung's pillow ready next to his own, Taehyung remarked, "Maybe, who knows what his thoughts are inside his brain? But one thing's for certain for sure, don't ever come in contact with him or even speak to him, you understand? Just follow your elder brother, okay?" 

"Okay." Taehyung sighed deeply and  quickly finished what he was doing before standing in front of Myung, gently holding his hand, "Promise big brother or I'll be mad."

Myung responded, "I promise, hyung. I'll never talk nor go near that man." Taehyung grinned broadly and gave Myung a short embrace, which Myung returned.

For all intents and purposes, Taehyung now saw Myung as his own younger brother rather than as the main character in the book whom he had to keep safe and push towards Jungkook. Having a younger sibling that he could take care of was Taehyung's own wish back when he was still living in his own world, but his father didn't even dare to look for another woman in exchange of his mother, which Taehyung's also grateful for the loyalty of his father but this made Taehyung's wish to never fulfilled.

Because of this, he acted toward Myung as though he were his own genuine brother when he first arrived in this realm and did everything he had only ever imagined doing to his younger sibling.

"Okay, let's sleep now." Myung nodded happily and went up to the bed, Taehyung following him.

"Good night, hyung."

"Good night. Sweet dreams." Taehyung softly said before turning off the lamp.

Meanwhile, even after taking another bath, Jungkook's mood in his room remained unstable. Right now, he's staring out his window ferociously, his jaw clenching remembering the sight of his cousin, Duke Arya, holding Taehyung's hand.

"If you want to play a game with me, then I'll gladly play with you.”


Thank you for reading and voting this chapter or the whole story, this means a lot to me. Borahae 💜

Wow, happy 500+ reads to this story! Never thought it would reach this high, haha!

I love you and stay safe out there! <3

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