Extra Chp 39: Be My Consort; Seeking that Person, Where is He? 2

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Although kinda late but happy heart's day everyone! 🫶


(Warning: a little gory scene ahead!)

Myung's current state surpasses Taehyung's understanding, and the sight of him makes him feel even more deeply ill. His face and body were covered in bloody dripping wounds. Due to constant scratching, all of his nails were cracked, revealing blood between them. His peerless beauty was completely gone, but he felt no agony. He was still scratching the skins on his arms, tearing the flesh, as though he wanted to destroy himself completely.

An Lang can't help but gasp aloud when she sees the condition of their kingdom's infamous prince. Prince Myung described to her before he became lunatic, that he was once a normal second prince of their kingdom and was lovely, courteous, and compassionate to everyone. His elder brother, the crown prince, was stunning but fierce and that on the other hand, Kim Myung's innocent beauty makes him stand out from everyone.

Yet right now, it feels like the Kim Myung she's always hearing has completely succumbed to his death, and yet, he's still alive, prolonging his agony of living.

"W-What happened?" Taehyung's hands are now shaking. This is not the protagonist of the book that he remembered, this is not the Kim Myung he knew. "Myung? Do you recognize me?" Taehyung called softly to the man inside the cell, who was humming a melody in a stupor.

Although An Lang is still unaware of the young man's relationship to the late prince of the East but she understands that what's happening now is a private matter between the two and so, she distanced herself even more and doesn't dare bother to look anymore. She also promises herself that what she'll hear in this room should remain secret until her last breath.

"Myung... It's me, your hyu—" Taehyung paused suddenly and stifled his own words. He is no longer Myung's elder brother and therefore, has no relationship with him. All that's left for him now are the familiar emotions-though fleeting-of the joyful times they had, bonded over, and laughed over while he was still his older brother.

How would the Crown Prince feel at this moment, if he saw his brother in this state?

With a toss of his head, Taehyung nearly laughed. Naturally, the Crown Prince will have feelings that are beyond his own; after all, Kim Taehyung valued Myung's life over his own, even in his final moments, and Taehyung did the same. Despite knowing that Myung was the one who killed him, he still has no ill will towards the young man, and especially after witnessing him in this condition, he is all the more determined to save Myung from his suffering and misery.

"S-Stop peeling your skin, Myung, please?" Taehyung tried coaxing Myung again, hoping that his good intention could be heard clearly.

With a final humming sound, Myung turned to look in Taehyung's direction. Taehyung's eyes widened as he saw Myung standing up and moving towards him, his walk sluggish. Finally, their eyes met and Taehyung faintly saw how Myung's eyes were shaken upon seeing him.

"Myung?" Taehyung called softly again.

"H-Hyung?" Myung answered with a low voice, his eyes instantly becoming reddened. Taehyung's mouth gasped loudly, eyes brimming with more tears.

As Taehyung extended his hand to touch Myung's face, Myung suddenly burst out laughing, sounding almost maniacal-like the final laugh Taehyung had heard in the Crown Prince's memories. Myung's demeanor then returned to what it had been before.

"Another delusion! Get the fuck out of here, get the fuck out of my mind! Leave me alone! Let me die! Just murder me already! Kill me! Kill me, hyung!" Myung bellowed wildly, tearing off his nearly ripped skin chewing into it before retreating to the corner again and started humming a tune, as if he had just forgotten the words he had yelled.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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