Part 1 Chp 14: Taehyung, Meeting a New Character Again

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"It's faint but there's still signs of heartbeats!"

"Okay, ready the defibrillator!"

Cries... cries everywhere...

Where is this? What is this?

Everything's blank. None. Dark.

"He's now stable!!! Thank Goodness!"

"Hyung! Wake up!" Myung's booming voice woke me up the moment I opened my eyes. My heart is racing for no apparent reason, and my body is drenched in sweat.

"Are you okay? You were crying somewhat earlier, Hyung?" Myung asked. I swiftly used my hands to examine my face and felt some dried tears. Have I just started crying?

"I'm o-okay... believe I'm just having an awful dream but I already forgot what it was." It's a fact. It feels as though someone snapped his finger to erase every memory I have ever had. I already forgot my dream from when I was sleeping earlier.

Myung gave me the clothes he was carrying earlier without saying anything; I heard him let out a big sigh.

"Go and freshen yourself, hyung. We're going to have breakfast after you've done in the washroom." I just nodded and straddled towards the washroom, shrugging off all the feelings I've felt earlier.

I'm just wearing relaxed, not overly fancy clothing after spending minutes getting ready. Myung excels at sewing and fashioning in addition to handling household responsibilities. When the formal declaration of Jungkook as the reigning monarch of the Kingdom of the West took place in the novel, it was he who conceptualized and created the attire worn by the character. Along with being talented, Myung was also in charge of adorning and decorating the whole palace-a skill I lack, sadly.

I assumed my brother was already at the dinner table with the King and Jungkook when I left my room because I didn't see him. I just walked quickly, not because I was making assumptions, but because if the King is still waiting, it would be embarrassing for me. It's good that Arya bastard wasn't there, he told us, even though we don't care, that he's going to visit some places early in the morning.He's simply incredibly obnoxious and a pain in my eyes, telling us that information when we're not even asking.

I could have used spatial magic to travel directly from our room on the third floor to the dining room on the ground floor, but I decided against it because this fucking body is so weak. In addition to walking being a kind of exercise and health benefit, I still have my spatial magic in case of emergency!

As I move, my eyes are drawn to the paintings that were hung above the wall. Looking at all these artworks makes me feel as though I'm living in the Renaissance. The Queen Consort, Jungkook's mother, has a deep passion for painting, according to the novel's author's character description. This is because the Queen finally gave her heart to her husband, the King, after he painted him of her.

"A-Ah! Ouch..." I came out of my shell as I heard a faint whimper. Seeking the source of the whimpers, I turned my head left and right. That person seems to have experienced something.

I sense that person's presence right away after turning on my magic probe, and it's heading beyond those thick trees. I used the communication array to get in touch with my brother directly and advised him to eat first rather than wait for me if they were hanging. I cut the conversation short right away since I knew there would be an abundance of questions.

I hid in the front and peered softly, easily identifying the source of the disturbance. A young man, perhaps Myung's age, is seen sitting with his right leg raised and grasping it. My eyes grew wide as I noticed the large gash in his knee, from which some blood was still dripping.

"What happened?" I asked, hurriedly kneeling down in front of the youngster, whose countenance had changed to one of shock and confusion.

I laid my right palm above the wound and smiled softly, saying, "I just heard your cries and if I can... I want to treat you." Immediately, a green light illuminated my hand. If I can, I don't mind if this is my last bit of magic, as long as I can heal this young man.

In a matter of minutes, I saw that the blood had stopped flowing, the broken flesh had healed, and the only blood left was the dried one from earlier.

"You're good now?" The boy's face was still in a shocked state but he quickly posed and prostrated down to the ground. My eyes widened and quickly stood up. I just noticed his clothes and he's one of the servants here in the palace, I didn't notice that earlier.

"T-Thank you very much, Your Highness! I'll not forget this day and will surely repay you!" The boy respectfully said that it just made me chuckle. He's so cute, especially his eyes. I really love his eyes.

"It's okay, you're welcome. Next time, please be careful, okay?" The boy enthusiastically nodded his head.

"By the way, what's your name?"

"I-I'm Kim S-Sunoo, Your Highness... One of the royal servants stationed in the cooking area." I just smiled brightly and patted his head, "What a beautiful name."

"T-Thank you for the compliment, Your Highness..." I just chuckled lowly at his cuteness, "Okay, I'm gonna leave now. Take care and clean the dried blood, okay?"

"Y-Yes! Yes! Thank you again, Your Highness!" I nodded and started walking again.

Kim Sunoo... I read that name before, what part of the novel is he again? Hmm...

Kim... Sunoo...




Oh my fucking gosh! I immediately looked back and he's already gone, probably going back inside already.

Why didn't I recall that? Stupid!

Along with Duke Ni-ki, Jungkook's second cousin, they make up the side couple in the book! He's being called "my sun" by Duke Ni-ki!

Apart from the main couple, did I really just meet my second favorite couple? According to the writings, Kim Sunoo is quite attractive, therefore it makes sense that Duke Ni-ki fell in love with the young kid. I can't get over how adorable and gorgeous he is! I feel like a mere bug in his presence!

The characters in this book are gradually coming to me!

Myung cried out, "Hyung! Faster! I'm hungry!" as soon as he noticed my physique. Jungkook gazed at me, but there was still no sign of food on the dish in front of him.

Has he just... waited for me as well?


Before the day ends, I want to greet our leader-nim Namjoon a happy birthday!! 🥳

Before the day ends, I want to greet our leader-nim Namjoon a happy birthday!! 🥳

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ps. yes, i'm sunkiz 🌞

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