Part 1 Chp 11: Taehyung, Unexpectedly Meeting Him

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A boisterous and joyous audience greeted the three as they emerged from the spatial magic. There were merchants everywhere, ranging in size from little to large, and they were yelling at onlookers and promoting the items they sell.

There was a large inn restaurant on the side; judging by the number of people coming in and going out, it is clearly well-known. On the side are other performers; some are dancing, some are singing, and still others are using every tactic in the book to lure in people. On the side, there's even a carnival.

Taehyung's eyes glistened with eagerness and expectation. For the most part of his life, when he's in his own world, he lives alone in his home and goes through a routine of eating, sleeping, and reading novels. Without the constant prodding from his best friend Jennie to go out and have fun, he truly would turn into an antisocial, reclusive individual.

Even though Taehyung is a homebody, he has already encountered and understood this type of turmoil and loudness because first, Seoul is a large city and he was born in that city in the twenty-first century era. However, as soon as he turned to face Myung and Jungkook, who were standing there looking helpless, he realized that this was the first time they had ever heard an inharmonious sound like that.

"Taehyung said, "Should we wear a disguise? Particularly you, Jungkook?" It's alright for him and Myung because this isn't their place and, even if it were, very few people knew who they really were. However, since Jungkook is the crown prince of this kingdom, everyone ought to be aware of him.

In contrast, Jungkook said, "It's okay. No one still knows me, even the commoners still have no idea what the actual face of the crown prince is," while shaking his head disapprovingly.

Taehyung simply gave a head nod of comprehension. So be it if that's the case. They can easily enter the spatial magic and go back to the palace if they provoke a ruckus.

Taehyung concluded the issue with a smile and said, "Where do you want to start? I believe that carnival is a great start." He ought to be the one to assist these two lovers in this kind of crowd as he already has experienced this type of background.

"Hyung, are you still okay?" Myung, with his eyebrows arched, suddenly asked.

"Y-Yeah... Why?"

"You aren't interested in being in huge and loud crowds, right? You even threw a tantrum when we were young because our father brought us to a circus when we were little." 

"Really? I bet you disagree with that one, I think otherwise," Taehyung quickly glanced at Jungkook who was just smirking lightly and was looking at his eyes. Taehyung instantly became so ashamed and enraged that he turned away and glanced at the ground. 

Taehyung yelled, "If you don't want to go with me, you two should just be with each other and wander through this place!" and hurriedly stormed towards the carnival, leaving Myung and Jungkook in his wake. It appears that Taehyung was putting his plan into action when he acted that little fit he did.

"H-Hyung! Wait!"

Standing at the carnival's entrance, devoid of Jungkook and Myung, Taehyung let out a deep breath and flashed a tiny smile to himself. However, just as he is about to enter the tent, a hand abruptly stops him. Taehyung looked at whose hand it was right away, fixing his gaze on the hand.

Then he noticed a large, robust man leaning to the side. He reminds Taehyung of one of those bouncers that work into the nightclubs and bars.

The man responded in a commanding voice, "Where's the entryway ticket? You appeared to be someone who was wealthy so you must have purchased a ticket."

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