Chapter 32 - Therapeutic

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"Noah said you wished to talk?" Liam said encouragingly to Lucius who lay down with his head against Noah's chest, his fingers fumbling with the blanket threads. Liam glanced at Noah who nodded, letting him know that he should go on. Lucius didn't like the fact that he was going to take from Liam's time helping Wyatt, so he argued against it, but Noah kept insisting until he agreed. "He told me you blame yourself for what happened."

Lucius breathed a sigh as he said, "Because it is my fault." Noah's hand ran through Lucius's hair, comforting him as he sat there, leaning against the headboard when Lucius made him promise to stay.

"How so?" Liam asked.

"I don't really want to talk about it." Lucius breathed.

"Lu, come on." Noah persisted. It took a moment before Lucius sighed again, then started telling him everything he told Noah, ending up with tears down his cheeks, pressing his face to Noah's chest as he cried. Noah took in a breath as he looked up to meet Liam's eyes, frowning at him as he sat back in the chair he was on.

"Lucius." Liam said, but Lucius didn't move. He reached for his pocket, taking out a handkerchief and handing it to Noah when Lucius didn't take it from him. "Listen to me clearly, what happened, everything, from start to finish didn't sound like something you were responsible for. It seems that you are looking for a way to blame yourself so you put all of it together in that way." Liam said, watching as Lucius pulled away from Noah slightly, but still not turning to him fully. "Tell me, what is it that is really bothering you?"

"I told you." Lucius sniffled.

"You told me part of it only." Liam said, "A small part."

Lucius turned to meet his eyes, not sure what he meant. "It is what is weighing on me..."

"It's more than that." Liam repeated, "Was it your uncle?"

"Liam." Noah warned. Liam held his hand up to stop Noah from talking, his eyes not moving from Lucius.

"Tell me, because otherwise you wouldn't have gone so far back in the past to make up things to blame yourself for."

Lucius shook his head, saying, "It's Wyatt... everything that happened ended up with Wyatt the way he is."

"Lucius. What are you truly blaming yourself for?" Liam asked, "You have been different since the moment you returned with your cousins. More closed-off. Distant from everyone but Noah. So tell me. Does it have anything to do with your uncle? The way he hurt your cousin?"

"No." Lucius insisted.

"Do you blame yourself for that?"

"I said no." Lucius said, shaking his head.

"Then why do you barely talk to Cole unless someone else was there?" Liam noted, "Why is it when anyone mentions your uncle, you flinch. Just like that." Liam said, "Why is it that-..."

"He hurt me and I ran! He hurt me and I ran from it all! Left Cole! Left him there, giving that man a chance to hurt him! I forgot about it all! I did! I wasn't even..." Lucius whimpered, leaning forward, "I wasn't even there to protect him... oh god, I... everything is my fault..."

"That's not all." Liam said.

"Enough, Liam." Noah said.

"You asked me to speak to him. To help him. Let me help him." Liam said, looking Noah in the eyes. Noah's arm tightened around Lucius before he nodded. "Tell me, Lucius. What is it that you truly blame yourself for?"

"I let Noah kill him..." Lucius whimpered.

"What else?" Liam insisted, "Tell me. What is it you are keeping to yourself that is torturing you?"

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