Chapter 44 - Consequences

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Leon looked around the room, a frown slowly setting on his face as he asked a question that's been bothering him for days now. "Where is Blayth?"

Lorena snorted, looking at him with an arched eyebrow. "Are you serious?"

"What do you mean?" Leon tilted his head.

"It is your fault, how do you not know? It's been more than a week now. How the hell did you not notice?" Lorena questioned.

"Notice what? Just tell me." Leon said, getting frustrated.

"And you said it was love." Lorena shook her head before she got up and left the room without another word. He looked at Tobias who frowned.

"Where is he?" Leon asked.

"He's gone." Tobias said.

"What does that mean?"

"Gone? As in left. As in, no longer stays under the same roof. He's been gone for almost two weeks, Leon. How the hell didn't you notice?" Tobias asked, he too getting angered with Leon.

"Gone?" Leon muttered, as if not believing it, "He wouldn't do that-..."

"After the things you said to him? After the way you treated him, is it really so hard to believe?" Tobias said, looking back at the gadget he was fidgeting with, a screwdriver in his hand.

"He wouldn't. He..." Leon shook his head, "What about Lucius? What about when he comes back?"

"He is in contact with Lazarus. He'll return then, that is what he said. But he refused to speak to anyone but Lazarus." Tobias told him, "That's why Lorena is angry."

Leon looked down at his hands, a deep frown on his face not believing that he'd driven Blayth to leave.


Leon stood by the window in his room at the mansion. It had been a hard few weeks since Lucius's death. This time, just like the first time, dying while he protected the one he loved. Leon was thinking of how it was possible for him to do so. 

He had been around Noah after the love of his life had died. He was a mess to say the least. Noah hadn't left his room except for the same night that Lucius had passed, the moment he finally realized that Lucius was truly gone. 

That was not the only thing that was on Leon's mind at that moment. He was thinking about the one he loved, the one he would die for... He had made the biggest mistake of his life when after what had happened he had taken his anger on his red-haired lover. 

He regretted doing so now more than ever. The one he loved was right there and unlike Noah he had the choice to stay with him forever and yet he messed it up when he accused him of not caring, in addition to blaming him for the death of the one that was the reason of his salvation long ago, the one that gave him a reason to live when he had none, the one that was the reason he met the man he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

Now as he stood alone staring out the window at the slowly darkening sky, missing his Blayth's loud voice that usually filled the abnormally quiet room, he felt his heart ache as he remembered how cruel he was when he spoke to Blayth. How he yelled at him for not leaving him and going to Lucius's side to help them when they got overwhelmed by the attackers. Leon was certain that if Blayth hadn't stayed by him, he would have been killed easily with the injuries he had obtained. All Blayth had tried to do was help him and yet being his stubborn self he shut him out.

Blayth had tears in his eyes when they lost Lucius, Leon saw the guilt that Blayth felt and yet he was so upset that instead of comforting him he exploded and started to shout. Blayth didn't react to it, he saw the hurt in his eyes when he did so but he never stopped. 

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