Chapter 40 - Risks

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It didn't take long for them to leave the barrier, Blayth speeding the moment they did, knowing that Ira had to sense it when they passed through. As they hit the main roads, he turned towards the town closest to them, and about halfway there, Noah's eyes fell on movement next to him where a blanket was tossed over some things Cylus had packed.

He groaned before saying, "So this is why I don't feel a distance from you?" His words made everyone confused, glancing at him as he reached over and pulled the blanket off Lucius who gave him a goofy smile. "I should have known. You wouldn't stay behind without a fight. I should have guessed it."

"Well, you fell in love with this, so it is partially your fault." Lucius shrugged as he sat on the seat after pushing the bags on it to the ground by his feet.

Blayth hit the brakes when he heard Lucius's voice, turning around to glare at him as he asked, "Seriously? And I thought you had come to your senses." Blayth accused.

"Turn the car around." Noah said to Blayth.

"Are you crazy-..." Lucius accused.

"You are the crazy one, Lu. It is like you are trying to get killed." Noah glared.

"Lazarus won't let us leave if we go back." Lucius argued.

"Then you should have thought of that before you did something stupid like this." Noah said.

Lucius grabbed his arm, looking him in the eyes as he said, "We are doing this for Wyatt so no, we are not going back. And yes, I knew we would be having such a conversation and that is why I hid. Because I didn't want to argue with you. Besides, I know how to deal with Ruben-..."

"You don't even know the man." Noah accused.

"If he's anything like his nephew, which is very apparent, then yes, I know how to deal with him. He is arrogant and full of himself, and I am very certain that I could get him to speak." Lucius insisted.

Noah merely stared at Lucius for the longest time before his glaring eyes moved outside the window, his jaw clenched tightly to stop himself from yelling at that point, since he realized that Lucius was right, and he was always able to get under Levi's skin so why not Ruben as well.

"What now?" Blayth asked, frowning at Noah.

"Town." Was all that Noah said, resting his elbow against the window frame again, eyes glued outside, and chin against his palm.

Lucius relaxed as Blayth started driving again. He sat back, took in a breath before letting it out, glancing at Noah from the corner of his eyes for a long while before he rolled his eyes, collapsing onto his side so his head fell against Noah's legs, but the latter didn't react.

"I won't apologize." Lucius muttered, realizing that he would be speaking to himself until Noah calmed down. "Wyatt is my brother, and I would give my life for him just like I would for anyone in this car. You are all my family. But like I told you before, I am not ready to die, so not yet. I will see spring with you. We will have that wedding we have been talking about and we will enjoy it in the spring breeze, with the smell of fresh flowers filling the air." Lucius was quiet for a while after that, but then he turned on his back to look up at Noah who was still staring out the window. Lucius sighed as he asked, "So for how long are you going to be mad at me?" Noah didn't answer, which made Lucius sit up, grabbing his chin and making him look him in the eyes as he said, "You are not allowed to ignore me."

"You can go ahead and do whatever you want, Lucius, just leave me out of it. Since what I think doesn't matter anyway." Noah said, removing Lucius's hand from his face as he looked away again.

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