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No one pov:

"Well well well, newbie tryna steal my girl?" Hyunjin said too sunghoon with an intimidating look on his face.
"What I-  no? I only met her an hour ago I swear I didn't even know you guys were dating" sunghoon answered, terrified of what hyunjin was capable of doing. Hyunjin slammed sunghoon onto the lockers."Bro I think you should calm down hyunjin let's go" felix told hyunjin "who asked you the time huh?"  "Dude as her older brother I have a say in this enough let's just leave this dick to when or even if he actually fucks up" hyunjin looked at sunghoon up and down "your a lucky one, but let's get things clear, if you ever, lay a finger on MY jina, I'll make sure to make your life a living hell"

Jina pov:

I finished telling hana what on earth had just happened, as we were walking I walked by whatever hyunjin and his friends were doing too sunghoon, for him not to see me and hana, we hid in a place where they couldn't see us. We were too curious to know about whatever hyunjin was supposedly 'dealing with'.

"What a dick! How much you wanna bet he's now gonna bully sunghoon for the rest of his high school year" hana said in disbelief after what she had just heard
"Oh I don't even need to bet I guarantee that's what's gonna happen, anyway I'm gonna go deal with hyunjin hana please go tell sunghoon and explain things to him about hyunjin and me. I don't wanna intimidate the poor boy"
"Sure thing girl"
As hyunjin was walking I quickly ran up to him "Hyunjin what THE FUCK was that about, IM NOT YOURS. did you genuinely haft too bully the poor guy? Like you always do to every person on this planet?"
"Jina I-"
"Jina it's because I-"
"No shut-up hyunjin. I don't even wanna hear your stupid explanation, you've been sexualising, making fun of, and controlling me since day 1, I don't wanna hear about it anymore. From now on, me and you are strangers that don't speak just like it should've been since the start"
"B-but jina- I saw hi-"

Before I could let hyunjin finish the bell had rang and that was even better, I didn't wanna hear his nonsense anyways. I went to sunghoon with a warm smile as he smiled back and we both walked to class together.

Time skip- End of school

Finally, school had ended, I could finally rest from this day of drama.

"Bye hana, I'll facetime you when I get home okay!"
"Kk girlie Bye!!"

I went to the parking lot waiting for my brother to come so he could drive this car and get us home.
"Finally cmon I wanna go home"
"Okay get your ass in the car then."

The car ride was silent, until felix broke the silence by saying
"You know hyunjin had only done that for your good, right?"
"For.my.good? That has got to be the biggest joke, listen felix butt out my business before I let you take a taste of what my business actually feels like"
"Whatever, stay away from sunghoon. Advice from me and hyunjin"
"The biggest mistake a teenage girl could do is take advice from two ass holes like you and hyunjin"
Felix parked the car in the driveway of our house, I slammed the door opened the entrance of my house running upstairs to my room.

"Hi honey I-" my mum didn't even get the chance to finish what she was saying due to my anger.
"Whats up with her" my mother asked felix
"Bad day eomma"
"Oh god did you and your friends bother her again?!"
"Oh felix, your sister is a young teenage girl with enough on her back, she dosent need you adding any more pressure!"
Felix rolled his eyes and said "Whatever, eomma I'm gonna order some pizzas hyunjin minho jeongin and jisung are coming around later"
"Okay sure honey, turns out well me and your father will be going out on a date" "Okay eomma have fun"

My Brothers Bestfriend | HYUNJIN FFWhere stories live. Discover now