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its been a couple hours, weve all been hanging out, i was sat next to hyunjin who had his arm around me and my head was resting on his chest, we all agreed on playing a dirty game of truth or dare, gosh no one gets how much i hate this game, its either the riskiest thing to be set to man kind, or the cringiest and boring game ever.  Anyhoo, the game started off by jackson asking hana truth or dare "hey hana, truth or dare" "umm truth?" she replied, my poor baby, "how many people have you slept with, if there is any, who are they?" oh gosh i thought to myself, how juicy, me already knowing the answer did not really pay attention to what anyboy had to say, "two, jaehyun and minho" oof, minho just got exposed, i was one of the few people who knew about this "HANA SLEPT WITH MINHO???? MIC DROOOP" i yelled sarcastically acting as if i did not know, but obviously i did and they all knew i did because i was just making fun of the situation. Hana death glared me while minho just laughed, "funny lad ey" i winked at minho who blew me a kiss, i pretended to catch it and throw it away.  "lol yall probably fucked as she was yelling felix is name" hyunjin added, "bro ew dont" felix said disgusted, hana just sat there in silence. "Anywayyy my turn" i yelled excited to find out who was gonna try and come at me, "ill ask the question". rita implied, "ugh not this bitch" i mumbled, "jina, truth, or dare?" she said as if we were in the biggest suspense movie on broadway, "um truth i guess", "hmmm is it true you and hyunjin fucked in the bathroom stall on the schools valentines day?" oh no this bitch is tripping shes looking like she wants my fist right in her face, she knew damn well that wasnt true and it was a fat rumour she had made up, i looked at hyunjin while my face was red as a tomato, who was looking right back at me with eyes widened, i turned to felix who was looking very angry, eager to find out the truth, "hmm ill ignore the question you just asked me as we both know its a rumour you made up because you know i have the man youve always been dreaming of having, though, i have a question for YOU rita, is it true your body count is higher then your grades? i think you dont need to reply to that question because we all know youre the biggest whore bag here" the whole room went silent, just bunch of teenagers with a an O shaped mouth shook at what words had just came out of me. "Oh and dont forget the fact that yo-" " jina enough" i heard hyunjin tell me, was i going a bit too far, maybe? OR MAYBE NOT, beat her ass she deserves that shit. "OH YOU DID NOT" rita yelled getting up ready to fight me ," woahhhh whore bag's offended" i laughed still chilled sat down, "Jina i said ENOUGH" hyunjin repeated, i looked back at him as he looked extremely angry, i decided to cool down, getting hyunjin mad isnt very pretty to look at. Rita sat back down looking hella pissed, lol shes offended, gets me everytime BHAHAH, "yeah now you're sat down again like an idiot, you didnt do shit" i added once more laughing my ass off, "YOU REALLY WANNA TRY ME BITCH" she yelled once more getting up tying her up in a bun then taking off her hoop earings, this was just too funny to look at, "yes" i said. Suddenly rita didnt take any more bullshit and was about to throw her self on me for a fight, before that could happen chan jeongin hyunjin and felix got up pulling her back stopping her, "OKAY ENOUGH RITA STOP" felix yelled, all i could do was laugh at this point, this was just too funny, hana went straight to the kitchen running and came back almost immediately with two bags of popcorn, she threw one bag at me and took one for herself, she sat down right next to me as we both laughed and munched on the popcorn, it was just too funny, i mean rita was passed around thorugh these 8 boys, shes had sex with hyunjin felix minho changbin jisung, and thats all that i know of, there are probably more, slowly she calmed down and sat back at her seat thanks to hyunjin who calmed her down "tell your girlfriend shes a bitch" "dont call her a bitch just calm down and sit the fuck down girl",it just angers me to see hyunjin calming her down, he should be sat down with me laughing, was i in way maybe jealous? After things had settled down hyunjin came back to mean picked my legs up and sat under them, meaning i had half my body against the wall and the other half (my legs) rested on his laps.  "you're a crazy bitch you know that?' he said whispering in my ear laughing, "i know" i whispered back.

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