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Jina pov:
Im so hungry and it's finally lunch but I can't find my fucking lunch. Felix must've taken it, ugh there ain't no way I'm waiting for him I need too find him because I was toooo hungry. He already hadn't let me get Starbucks this morning so it's his fault. Plus I was on my period, and I get extra hungry on my period.
First I need too find someone who knows where he is, oh look minho and jisung were right there I might aswell just ask them. I walked up to them and asked "Guys do you know where felix is, he has my lunch and I'm really hungry" I said pouting
"Yeah he's in the boys dressing room showering because we just had soccer practice. Your lunch must be in his bag" Minho answered
"Is his bag with him?"
"Yeah, it's on the bench in the boys dressing room, he'll be out in about 25 minutes he just got In the shower"
Nuh uh there ain't no way I'm gonna wait more then 25 minutes for my lunch I only had 45 minutes and 15 minutes had already past. You best know I'm going into the boys dressing room to get my lunch "alright thanks boys" "No worries cya jina"

Now... where are these dressing rooms, I couldn't ask anyone where they were they'd think I'm some weirdo for trying too get into there.
Wait I remember them being next to the lost and found. Right there they are. Okay time to get in there. I slowly tried to open the door, too my right I had a bunch of footballs stacked on top of each other and to my left I had dirty clothes that hadn't been washed for months, I could tell by the smell they stank like a bitch. I tried opening the door but it was so hard I had too push and kick with my feet. 'Ugh why won't this stupid door open' I said. I put in one last push with all my strength when all of a sudden I felt a bunch stanky clothes and balls fall on top of me. "OWWW" I mean... at least I got the door to open. I got up not caring about the mess I had just caused and sneaked into the dressing room, WOAAAH, I saw a bunch of guys top less drying themselves. That was hot. But i had to be careful, one more step further into the room and I'd get caught in 4k. Where was my brothers bag... I looked around still in the same hiding spot hoping none of these men would see me. "Jina?" I heard a familiar male voice call my name "AAAAAAAHHHHHHH" I screamed like a 5 year old little girl, FUCK had I just gotten caught. I slowly turned around too see a hot as fuck topless and wet hyunjin, a towel wrapped around his waist and wet hair with drops of water dripping on his face. I just couldn't stop staring at his toned abs, they complimented his body perfectly. He was just the right amount of muscly. "Done staring?" He said smirking "fuck! I wasn't staring I was just i- in shock. Yes i was just in shock." "No you were definitely staring." On my right was a towel sat on the bench, I picked it up and said "here take this" while wrapping it around his body. Hyunjin chuckled "jina I'm fine I don't need it, I don't think this is what you should be worrying about though, you might wanna turn around..." 
"What are you on abbbbOOOOUUUUTT AAAHH" I turned around to see a bunch of naked men staring right at me. "woah there's such different varies of sizes. HA you got a tiny o- wait what the fuck am I doing"
I stared at the seniors who were all looking at me as if they had never seen a women in their lives. "GET NAKED" A man at the back of the room yelled "EXCUSE ME?" I said getting ready to fight the bitch who just yelled such a disgusting sentence. But before I could go hyunjin who was behind me held me back "Hey hey calm down, jina I don't think you should be here.. all the guys in here are pervs" he said whispering the last sentence. I felt my heart beat , hyunjins arms were wrapped around me due to the fact that he wanted to hold me back from causing chaos in the boys bathroom. I was still in hyunjins arms as I heard the shower stop and looked at my brother who stepped out with his wet hair and towel wrapped around his waist. "Yo what the fuck jina what are you-" "cut the bulcrap I want my lunch and you took it, where's your bag?"
Felix was still standing there in disbelief. He just had so many different questions.
"I-its over there NO DONT LOOK" felix said thinking I hadn't already seen the horrific view of men completely naked.
"I already saw" I smirked
"Jina take your lunch and fuck out the boys changing rooms I don't need my baby sister looking at a bunch naked teenage boys, also why the fuck were you in hyunjins arms........"
"Some idiot told me to get naked so before I could fight him hyunjin held me back"
"Yeah get naked we wanna see some boobs!!" Another random dude yelled as felix death glared him ready to rip his face off his body.
"Okay whatever fuck off jina I'll be talking to you about this at home about not sneaking up on a bunch of naked g-"
"Save it short stack, it's not as if I actually wanted to see this, I wanted my stupid lunch"
I looked at hyunjin who was now fully dressed.
"Problem is idk the way back to the lunch room, believe it or not I havent been here, ever" I said grinning sarcastically
"Oh for fuck sake jina, hyunjin please take her out this is really awkward." "follow me jinjin" hyunjin smiled. Me and hyunjin were about to walk out as sunghoon stepped into the changing room, hyunjins expression changed drastically. "jina" sunghoon said, " i told you not to talk to her" hyunjin abrubtly said. "ok HYUNJIN LETS GO" i said dragging him out so no fights could happen.

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