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"JINA" I heard a deep voice call for her name. I immediately looked for whoever called her and realized it was her father.. oh god no... Her parents didn't know about me and jina and I'm sure her parents would go nuts on felix if they knew she and him were drunk. "Appa I can explai-" "there is absolutely NO explaining too do here. Go get your brother and get into the car. IMMEDIATELY." Felix is dad screamed. I mean my parents were pretty close too her parents and I grew up with Felix and jina so I know them well. Not as if I was some random dude kissing his daughter "Mister lee jina isnt one hundred percent sober i-i I tried helping ou-" "helping out by kissing her huh?" I got caught off by him. Seeing him this angry was not really a shock too me. I've seen him in a worse case if I'm being honest, for example at times where he screams a Felix or jina and I'd be present. They sure did have a pretty strict father. "N-no Mister lee I.. I think you just missed a chapter while you were away sir honestly it's a misunderstanding I'm not using your daughter i swear I mean come on Ive known her since she was a baby" he was just standing there glaring at me.. I guess he was indicating me too help him find Felix and get jina and him into the car? Anyways I think I should just get felix now before he starts throwing punches at me. Now trust me I've fought a couple tough guys but not my best friends father... Ever...
I stepped back into the house seeing Felix and a girl all over each other. Sloppy kisses were thrown at each other as I was trying too get her off of me him. But he still reaked of the strong smell of liquor. "FELIX YOUR DAD IS OUTSIDE" I screamed once and for all. She finally hopped off helping me grab his hand and lead him out the house onto the hard streets of the night. His father was furious, him on the other hand was having a laugh, typical drunk Felix. Jina was just stood there. I mean sober or drunk she does that everywhere.
"I am furious, both of you get into the car!"

My Brothers Bestfriend | HYUNJIN FFWhere stories live. Discover now