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After a few dozens of minutes of felix still questioning me, I finally heard a knock on the door.
"I'll go open it" I said.
"Stay here and don't move" felix said still extremely angry. I heard the door open and felix told hyunjin too come in. Without any other word they both made their way too my room.
Hyunjin had wet hair looking like he just came out of the shower. He looked smoking hot it wasn't even describable, gosh how could I have missed out such a guy all those years.
"I- I got vodka?" Hyunjin said trying too break the silence while grinning.
"V-vodka where'd you get that from?" Felix asked
"Um hello, I'm 18 it's legal" he replied
"No, it's only legal until you're 21."
"Too bad I still got vodka." Hyunjin said.
"Listen I don't care about your vodka shit okay. Hyunjin why would you go behind my back too date my sister without me knowing that I dont allow her too date, and neither do you actually"
"I uh, felix I really do like her, like really I genuinely have been inlove with jina for... the longest time let's say. She's just different and if you're hearing any rumours of me fucking her in the bathroom stall it's fake I never ever did that. I only just gave her a present that's it. I never fucked her or even asked for nudes or anything in fact yes when I confessed too her last night we may or may have not made out and she asked if we could stop and i immediately stepped back. Felix you know me and I'm probably the person you know the best on this planet and I will never hurt you by fucking around with your sister because I know how much you've been trying to avoid boys hurting her. And anyways you were aware that I had feelings for her I mean it was pretty fucking obvious so please let me prove too you and her that I will treat her like a princess, sincerely I'm really promising the both of you that I truly love jina. I only never told you because I knew this would be the results, and I knew that you would smack her or something for getting a boyfriend so I didn't say anything. I promise too never cheat or pressure jina into having sex with me or never even look at another girl and most of all I promise too always protect her at all costs."
Woah, hyunjin really knew how too talk when he wanted to do. Hearing him say those words really made my heart melt. Angry felix turned into a soft felix and me, I was just. I just was stunned by everything hyunjin had said.
"As a matter of fact he did threaten too slap me, but I'm a feminist so I obviiii tots didn't let that happen" I said randomly.
"I guess if you're going too be serious about this then, I don't mind jina maybe having a boyfriend who is my bestfriend" felix said.
"Don't get too excited I'm not done, jina you're not aloud too have sex until you're at LEAST 21, hyunjin if i ever learn that you've been hurting her I will go nuts and I don't wanna hear any moaning from your room when hyunjins over."
I looked over at hyunjin who's face immediately lit up hearing felixs words. I got up jumping up and down in my room excitingly.
"Thanks bro" hyunjin hugged felix.
"Awww okay bromance super cute now get out I need too call hana"
"Not her again she's so annoying" felix said
"No shes not now get out!!"

My Brothers Bestfriend | HYUNJIN FFWhere stories live. Discover now