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It was near the end of the party, its 2am and people started leaving, jina was nowhere too be seen and felix slowly started clicking back too reality. Music was still going on and although the mansion was still full of drunk people I still managed too have my fun. Changing and I decided too step out and take a break and go out too smoke a cigarette.
As I stepped out I saw a group of people in the street who looked like people from the party, I was right, they were on the street drunk as fuck and fucking around jina included. "There she is oh my gosh" I said. I threw my cigarette that I had just lit up on the floor and stepped on it making my way too see what they were up too. "Yo what are you doing?" I said too one of the guys who I didn't know it was but they clearly knew who i was. "Yoyoooo hyunjin just fucking around" he said as I smelled his disgusting breath of alcohol hit right on my face. I just ignored him and made my way too jina and hana who looked liked they were having the absolute time of their lives. "Jina let's go inside hmm, these people are not so great" I suggested lowering myself too her level. "HYUNJIN AHHH" she said throwing herself on me with a very happy smiley tone. She was obvious still drunk and it had been 2 hours at least that she was drunk. "Cmon baby hmm?" I said once again. "N-Nooooo hyunjinnnn" she said once again pinching my cheeks. I looked over at her friend hana who was all over another guy who was on my soccer team. "Ew.." I thought. Before I knew it.. jina turned my face towards her smashing her lips on mine, I couldn't resist it, I kissed her back as she inserted her tongue in my mouth and I inserted mine in hers. A couple minutes passed and I pulled away catching my breath.

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