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Me and hana were in the bathroom doing our skin care. "Whats this" she asked "oh don't go in that basket, it's like full off condoms that my brother uses everytime he has a girl over and when my parents are away. I haft too hear, EVERYTHING that happens in there." "Ew.. I have a crush on him and that even gave me the ick... Cant imagine his own sister." she said.
"Anyway let's go to bed, I don't wanna think about my brother doing the nasty"
"Are we actually going too sleep.." she said looking a little down
"Pfft, you really thought I'm gonna listen to the short king who dosent even know how to do his own laundry? Yeah ain't no way, we can watch YouTube and talk ALL night."
"FEW, I actually thought we were gonna sleep."
"Hana I've been your bestfriend for the past 15 years, no way am I going too sleep now lol"
"Yeah who am I kidding."
We stepped out the bathroom walking too my room, "JINA WHERES MY BOXERS" "how the fuck would I know" I said replying to my clueless brother.
I was so tired, today was such a long day. I was ready to fall on my bed and sleep away, but hana was here and trust me I'd much rather do  all nighters with hana then sleeping, and I LOVE sleep so that speaks alot for itself.
We both got tucked into the sheets and opened up my laptop, I typed in the search bar 'netflix' as me and hana chose a kdrama too watch, we finally decided on "train too busan", it was me and hanas favourite movie and we would watch it every single day In middle school, I mean we had nothing else really too do if I'm being honest. We were kind of the loners of middle school, and we kind of still are in high school, but honestly i like it that way, my social battery runs out very fast and i just cannot stand being around more then 5 people for more then an hour. And I just HATE socialising with new people, I'm surprised I socialised with sunghoon I mean that's just an upgrade, 14 year old me wouldn't step foot infront of a new person. Too be honest I only got recognition because of my brother. My brother is known by literally EVERYONE. He is extremely popular, half the girls in our year die for him, same goes for his friends, but the most of all was hyunjin. Me and hana would be nobody's If I hadn't gotten hyunjins attention or been close to hyunjins family. And even better because felix was also extremely known, and hana, she would've either just been one of the popular girls, or a loner. Nothing in between. But I guess I am pretty known if I think about it, but only with  this label as felix is sister and if it wasn't that it would've just been too not mess with me because I am extremely not worth fighting with. I enjoy answering back and I enjoy defending myself because I cannot stand either not having the last words in fights or not being respected. My thoughts were caught off as hana says "jina did you hear that" "hear what?" "I don't know something keeps knocking on your window?"
"What? You're just hearing things, anyway it's 2:40 am who's gonna be chilling knocking on my window" I laughed
"True... okay but like I'm kinda hungry." She stated
"I keep a tone of snacks behind my clothes in the closet, go take some"
"Yeah I know that but I've always asked myself why it's behind your clothes, why not in the kitchen, like normal people"
"Because my brothers a greedy pig, Duh. I don't get why you wanna be marry him so bad if anything he's just going too eat all the snacks in your house"
Hana went too grab the snacks, she tossed them on my bed and sat next too me "wanna gossip?" I asked "is that even a question? OFCOURSE"
"Okay so I'm not su-"
"You heard it right?" She asked, hana was right there was a knocking on my window and I was kinda started too get scared.
I slowly walked over too my window and gently opened the blinds.
GOD. What the fuck? Why was he here? AT THIS TIME. I turned too jina who looked ten times more shocked then I was too see who had just been knocking on my window.
"You mind letting me in, its kinda cold out here and ive been knocking om this window for the past 20 minutes. Plus im not really wearing anything under this shirt... lol tmi.... anyway let me in please!" He said....

My Brothers Bestfriend | HYUNJIN FFWhere stories live. Discover now