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Jina pov-

Urgh, morning again. Time to get ready for another day in hell. I hopped In my bathroom took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I wore my uniform, I wasn't really bothered to wear any makeup so I just quickly dried my hair and straightened it.

"I'm coming gosh!" I said running down the stairs
"Since when are you so caring about being late?"
"Uh hello, its Thursday I got  football practice in the morning."

I quickly ate the breakfast my mom made for me. As I was walking out I stared at my body in the mirror. "Felix does this shirt make me look fat?"
"Jina you look fine i couldn't care less about what your fat ass looks like I just wanna get to football practice"
"Whatever, I'll just ask sunghoon hes always honest" I said
"Hana he gives me really bad vibes I don't think you should send him a picture of you in a skirt."
"What so your calling him a perv? Please the only perv around here is you, you enjoy staring at girls asses then widening your legs so  the stick in between them can grow higher." I said, mad at the fact that my brother told me to not send the picture too sunghoon. "For your info, it's called a boner lil sis" he said tapping my shoulder and winking at me.
Ew... I just couldn't imagine the fact of my brother being horny... so disgusting.

I ignored him and hopped in the car so he could drive us too school.
"Felix can you stop at Starbucks I'm starving"
"Is that a joke? You just had pancakes not even 10 minutes ago.
No, I gotta get to football practice I'll just give you 20 doll-"
"AHHH sunghoon answered shut-up. He said 'you look so good wow. Maybe  wear a bit shorter'" I read to my brother what sunghoon had just said.
"He said what? Listen from now on jina I don't wanna see you close too him"
"Felix you don't get to tell me what to do"
"Um yes I do. I'm your older brother and when I sense something wrong I say it"
"I don't care what you say. Keep your eyes on the road mister"
Felix rolled his eyes and gave up because he knew he couldn't win with me. I was just too stubborn for him.

Time skip - school

I was putting my stuff in my locker as I felt someone tapping my shoulder
"Who tf- oh hana! Hey girl!"
"Heyyyy, you excited for tomorrow?" She asked me jumping up and down
"Whats tomorrow?" I also asked clueless.
"The schools valentines day!!"
"What? I thought valentines day was February 14th, were still in November."
"Oh jina always so clueless. Don't you know that every year we have a 2 days for valentines day in our school? The principal made it because its the day he got married!"
"Oh yeahhhh, I just remembered, wait crap! I haven't been asked out yet."
"Jina we get asked out ON THE DAY, dumbass"
"Who do you think hyunjin will ask hana?"
"I don't know, wait why do you care? Do you like him!!" Hana asked a little too loud exitingly.
"What!! Nooooo I'm just curious"
"Jina you've never been curious about whatever hyunjin does. Your just 'curious' now because youre catching feelings."
"Speaking of hyunjin, he came to my house yesterday and got me pads and a box of chocolates AHHHH, I finished the chocolates while watching my kdrama though :)"
"WHAT!! JINA THAT IS SO CUTE. and your telling me this guy dosent have feelings for you??"
"No hana he's a player. Don't think I'm ever gonna fall for his tricks."
"Whos tricks?" A new voice asked behind me
"AHH! Oh hey sunghoon." I greeted him while giving him a warm hug.
"How are you girls?"
"Were good, hey sunghoon who you thinking of asking to be your valentine tomorrow?" Hana asked
"I have somebody in mind... why?"
"No just asking ahah, it's guys ask girls this year :(, last year it was girls ask guys, if it was girls ask guys this year I would've asked felix."
"Hana you've asked him for 3 consecutive years and got rejected 3 consecutive times, don't make it a fourth time."
"Oh come on jina, I still have a little hope.."
Before I could answer the bell had rang meaning it was time for class.

It was the middle of class and the teacher had announced that we had to go into groups of 3, so ofcourse I paired with hana, we asked some of our friends to pair with us but the teacher had already paired them with other people, we looked to our right and saw sunghoon alone. "Hey sunghoon wanna pair with us?"
"Alright juniors settle down. Now that you are all in your pairs of three, I would like you guys to start on the project after school and turn it In for tomorrow."
Was this teacher crazy? A full project In just one day, that would mean we would haft too work extra hard.
" I know its such short notice but we were working on the last chapter all week last week so i unfortunately did not have time to inform you guys about this project."
*bell rings*

"Class dismissed guys, have a good lunch!"

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