break up prank (SM)

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WC: 712

Your ages in this imagine: 17

Requested: yes red_is_gay15


Today I was going to pull a prank on my boyfriend Sam, a breakup prank to be more specific.

Sam isn't really a pranks guy like me and somehow, he always falls for my pranks. I got my phone ready and on recorded but hid it somewhere he couldn't see.

My boyfriend came 10 minutes later "hey babe guess what jo taught me many self-defense movies and they're so cool I'll show you them when I finish showering just give me five seconds" he said and I couldn't help but giggle.

After 5 minutes Sam came out of the shower and I told him we needed to talk "are you okay?" he asked sitting on the bed "Sammy you know I love you right" "yeaa Y/n what's going on" he asked trying to hold my hand but I pulled away.

"babe?" "Sam we should break up" I said and his face was full of shock "what?" he whispered "we should break up" I said again.

"what? Why? Did I do something wrong? Something to upset you?" he asked and I shook my head no "i-i-just..I don't feel the same anymore"

"I don't believe you" he said "Sam I don't love you any-" "stop! No no stop talking" he said and got up "Sam I'm sorry I-" "no I can't believe you!" he yelled his eyes tearing up.

"I can't believe you, just yesterday we were talking about our future together, getting married having kids" he said "Y/n we even picked the names of our kids and dog and now you're telling me you want to break up"

His voice broke and so did my heart, I didn't mean to make him this upset, I never intended to make him this upset "Sam it's-" "leave" he said "no Sam-" "Y/n leave" he said and I felt my eyes tear up.

"go!" he yelled and I was shocked by his action and ran out of his room and the whole building.

Sam and I lived opposite of each other, I ran into my building and broke down on the stairs before I could reach our apartment.

Moments later jo my next-door neighbor and asked what's wrong, jo and I are pretty close and he knows Sam and really likes him so he was surprised when he heard what happened.

"Wait Y/n You said you did this for TikTok, right?" He asked and I nodded "To film a TikTok you need to film a video and I don't want to sound like a stalker, but I watched your prank videos before since they are so funny and at the beginning at every video you do a small introduction telling what prank are you doing. So I'm assuming you did that for that video too At this moment"

A light bulb lightened in my mind "Oh my God Jo You're a genius. Thank you so much" I said, hugging him. He chuckled and said "go on, kid, get your boyfriend back" I ran out of my building and back into Sam's.

I knocked on the door and he answered it, When he saw it was me he was going to close it but I stopped him.

"It's a prank! It's all a prank" I quickly said "What?" "It's a prank. I swear it's a prank. I even left my phone in your room, It recorded everything..I promise l let me show you" I said and he opened the door, letting me in.

We got into his room and I took out the phone from Behind his Lego sets and showed him the video. "baby I'm so sorry. Please forgive me, I didn't mean anything, I didn't mean it to get this bad" I said crying.

Sam immediately pulled me into his embrace "You don't know how happy I am to know that it was just a prank" he said "and of course I forgive you. I love you so much that I couldn't imagine loving anyone but you" He said.

I looked up at my boyfriend "I couldn't imagine being with anyone else but you" and kissed him.




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AN: I don't know why but I feel like jo would be Y/n and Sam's number one supporter 😂

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