Get together

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Tonight I'm having a small get-together with some of my friends who are Kat, Maddie, Lexie, Cassie, Rue, Jules, Elliot, fez, and my boyfriend Ashtray. My boyfriend is a drug dealer and so is his brother Fez.

I Specifically told them no drugs since I knew Rue is coming and she's and she's trying to get clean. 

Anyways, back to the party Everyone arrived except for my boyfriend I was going to call him when the doorbell rang, I opened the door to see Maddie's boyfriend or should I say abusive ex-boyfriend Nate Jacob here. 

Glaring at him I asked Maddie "what the hell is he doing here" "Y/n/n Don't worry, he promised. He won't do anything right, Nate" " Yeah, she's right. I won't do anything, so don't worry little one" Nate walked into the house and I glared at her. 

If he does one thing Not ashtray but I'll be the one giving him a black eye, I hate Nate Jacob, not only is toxic but he is a bad person overall just like his dad. Ashtray, actually made Nate's Father bleed from his head once. 

Let's not forget when Fez almost broke Nate's face and sent him to the hospital. 

The doorbell rang again and when I opened it and I was happy to see that it was my boyfriend and his brother. Immediately ashtray pulled me into a kiss. 

I pulled away and told him "before you get in, I need to tell you something. I actually need to tell you both something" "What is it?" Fez asked " Nate's here" 

"What!? You invited that Asshole" "No I invited Maddie and he came with her" "Maddie made him promise to not do anything tonight" " Yeah like we believe that's going to happen" fez said annoyed. 

"I swear to God Y/n If he does anything, even if it was a little thing I'm ending him" " I know, I told Maddie. I'm gonna give him a black eye" Ashtray smiled proudly and said "that's my girl" 

We got and the living room where everyone was sitting and decided to watch a movie first then start with the games. Ashtray and I were talking When he leaned in and kissed my lips making me smile.

"You know, guys, I don't believe these two are dating" Nate said out of nowhere "What do you mean they're like the cutest couple" "No, I think they're just playing with us, letting us think that there are I in a relationship when they're not" " Watch it" Fez warned.

"Come on Y/n Is the golden girl everyone wants her and what are you ashtray..just a drug dealer" "Did you forget that I'm also the leader Dangerous gang In this town" Astray said Coldly and Nate rolled his eyes. 

"Why not show him proof?" Maddie said "proof?" "Yep, go through each other's phones To see your loyalty to each other Since I'm sure ashtray Is talking to other girls" Immediately I could see anger, filling my boyfriend's eyes. 

He took out his phone and handed me it "Go through my phone and show that asshole my loyalty to you" I gave ashtray my phone and took his. 

"First proof that we both have a picture of us as our wallpaper" Ashtray said "Second proof, Instagram" I showed him that ashtray has only one account and that account is private and the only People, he follows and follows him are his friends who are all guys. Snapchat was the same and so was his contact. 

"Alright, I believe you now" "Yeah like we cared about you believing us" Astray said "You know what, Nate get the Fuck out of my house" "Are you serious?" "Deadass"

Nate looked at Maddie for help but she didn't seem to give a fuck "This party is lame anyway" he said getting up and leaving "don't let the door hit you on the way out" rue yelled and everyone laughed.




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Q: Instagram or Snapchat?

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