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 "Are you sure you're okay?"

    Xin Qi said, "Do you want to go again?... Don't worry, we have enough time to wait for you."

    Min Hui gave him a glare.

    "It's all right," the driver smiled, "fasten your seat belt and continue on the road."

    When Min Hui looked at Xin Qi again, her eyes were a little different.

    "Don't stare at me, okay?" Xin Qi turned his face away.

    "What's the matter?"

    "Your eyes are glowing green," she said teasingly, "like a she-wolf."

    "I thought you would say a pervert."

    "That's used to describe a man."

    " Is it?"

    With dry weather and lonely men and widows, it was Min Hui who took the initiative this time. Take the initiative to give her a sense of victory that she is bullying others instead of being bullied. Xin Qi saw it, and she had the upper hand. On the contrary, he was more restrained, testing every step he took, and asking for her approval.

    Everything is solved with eyes.

    A tacit agreement was reached so quickly.


    Cining Hospital is located at the foot of a desolate mountain, surrounded by farmland. The hospital looks relatively new from the outside, with bright street lights and a white wall around it.

    Min Hui and Xin Qi each dragged a suitcase and walked on Shizi Road for ten minutes before finding the guest house. The staff at the front desk were very enthusiastic, saying that the patients didn't see visitors at night, and the inpatient department didn't open until 8:00 in the morning, so they were allowed to stay for one night first.

    After completing the check-in procedures, the front desk said that the two guest rooms had just been checked out and were still being cleaned, and asked them to wait in the lobby for a while, and made two cups of jasmine tea apologetically while talking.

    "Are there many customers here?" Min Hui asked.

    "Not many, but the guest house is small, with only twenty or so rooms, which are always full."

   The waiter looked at them, "Where are you from?"


    "It's quite far from here."

    " Yes."

    "Excuse me, does the patient have to be hospitalized?" Min Hui asked again, "If the condition is stable, can the family take him back to recuperate?"

  "It depends on what the doctor said. The patients in the inpatient department are in general condition. It is more serious, there is a possibility of self-injury or injury, and the family members cannot take care of them, so they are sent to us to take full care of them. The chronic ward is mainly for nursing and rehabilitation, and it is basically semi-open. Patients come for treatment during the day and can be treated at night. Go home. Now our bed is tight, and some patients are supposed to need to be hospitalized, and there is no way to come in. By the way," the waiter was very talkative, "We have a news recently, have you heard?"

     Shake her head.

    "There is a patient, a man, who used to have severe delusions. He has recovered well in recent months. He is emotionally stable and has cooperated with the treatment. He used to be the breadwinner of the family, and the whole family wanted him to be discharged early. The person took him back to stay for a few days, saying that it was the child's birthday and wanted to see his father. The hospital agreed. Who knows that something happened the next day after going back. The patient had a sudden attack in the middle of the night and killed all four members of the family. Four lives Asked him why he did this, he was ignorant and in a daze, and only said that the weather was too hot and he wanted to eat watermelon. He was looking for watermelon everywhere at home..."

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