71.1-Salted Fish

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     For 15 consecutive days, Min Hui got up early and returned late. Apart from going to work, she went to Tianying Mountain for training.

  Han Yi accompanied her all the way, hand in hand, and taught carefully. She would run into Xin Qi at the base occasionally, sometimes by himself, sometimes with Su Quan, not many times. 

  Whenever they meet each other, Han Yi will invite everyone to have a meal together, and Xin Qi will take her with him on the way home.

    As for the acquisition, because Xin Qi kept his mouth shut, Min Hui didn't ask any more questions after hitting a wall a few times.

    News is emerging one after another, opinions in the industry are different, some are good, and more are bad. It is generally believed that with the scale and strength of Guan Chao, it is not easy for BBG to swallow it in a short period of time, and it must be a fierce battle.

    Min Hui was so anxious that besides watching the financial news every day, she pestered Cao Mu to ask questions.

    The data shows that the acquisition is still in progress.

    BBG and Yuan Mao Group continued to buy Guan Chao stocks in the form of income swaps and the secondary market.

   After the combined shareholding ratio reached 10%, they raised their cards for the second time.

    Inside Guan Chao, the executives held meetings every day in order to deal with emergencies, but they did not take any major actions, let alone counterattack obviously. 

   Because Min Hui was already going through the resignation process, she was relatively free, spending every day fixing bugs in the office, until she officially left Guan Chao, and Cheng Qi Rang never came to see her.

    She thought that the last half month of watching the tide would be miserable, and Cheng Qi Rang would definitely come to find trouble, but she didn't expect him to stand still, and he didn't even come to the meeting of the R&D department.

    "Maybe it's because of your brother's report," Cao Mu speculated, "he needs to avoid suspicion. It's easy to lose your tongue if he seeks revenge from you at this time. Besides, he should be too busy now, and it's too late to try to trick you."

" I have already resigned."

    To Min Hui's surprise, Cheng Qi Rang did not go to her, but went to Xin Qi directly.

    Just when the acquisition was in full swing, Cheng Qi asked Xin Qi to go to a resort in the west of Bin Cheng to soak in a hot spring, euphemistically called "Meeting Frankly".

    The pool is behind a huge rock, built into a circle with pebbles, surrounded by trees and densely shaded.

    The warm spring water emits white steam in the cold autumn. From a distance, one might think that there is some kind of monster swallowing clouds and mist lying in the forest.

    The two sat face to face and chatted about anecdotes in the industry for a while. Cheng Qi Rang smiled and said, "Ethan, so shy? You don't take off your shirt even after taking a bath."

    "Afraid of the cold."

    Xin Qi pointed to his nose, "Allergic rhinitis."

    "I've always wanted to ask you," Cheng Qi Rang said, "How many years have you been in China?"

     The atmosphere that people try to create to conceal their mutual hostility: a dry politeness and a feigned casualness.

    "It's not easy to calculate," Xin Qi smiled lightly, "I was born in China."

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