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She can't help but think of the rainy day when she first met Su Tian. On the bus, Su Tian wanted to talk to her several times, but she didn't even have a smiling face. If it were someone else, she doesn't know how angry she would be. 

   Unexpectedly, it was such an ordinary person who had nothing to do with her, that night, in order to save herself, she sacrificed her life in vain.

    So many unfulfilled wishes evaporated in an instant.

    So much happiness at her fingertips, no chance to hold hands.

    A benefactor that she will never forget in her life, with whom she has only one day's fate.

    At that time, Su Tian had just taken a bath, her face was flushed, and her voice and smile were graceful in front of his eyes, but now he has disappeared, and heaven and man are separated.

    The iron bucket is not big, and it fills up quickly. Min Hui took over the remains, feeling scared and afraid to take a closer look, so she untied the scarf and spread it on it, put it under a tree, found another plastic bag and handed it over to Xin Qi to keep packing.

    After another hour, she heard Xin Qi sigh heavily in the pit, holding up a flashlight and asking, "Is everything all right?"

    He shook his head, "It's still two dollars short . "

    "There are a total of 204 bones in the human body, and I only found 112. There are still many bones."

    Xin Qi murmured, leaned down, and continued to grope in the muddy water.

    Min Hui looked at the dark sky and the pattering autumn rain, and jumped into the pit with a flashlight: "I'll search with you, the two of you will be faster."

    If every bone represents a part of the soul, she understands that He wanted to take Su Tian away completely.

    They knelt side by side in the muddy water, drenched from the cold rain even though they were both wearing coats. 

   Both of them trembled involuntarily, and their teeth chattered from the cold.

    But they kept digging, and no one stopped.

    There was a strange smell in the soil, Min Hui smelled it, and with a little imagination, she just felt sick. 

  And Xin Qi beside him was still ignoring her and focusing on searching. 

    She couldn't help coughing, and asked, "Where do you plan to bury her? Here? Bin Cheng? Or her hometown of He Chi, Guang Xi?"

    "Bin Cheng," Xin Qi said, "so that I can visit her often "

    "Bin Cheng is very good."

    Min Hui nodded in agreement. She touched a smooth and hard object, and took a look with her flashlight. It was a small bone, and she didn't know where it was in the human body. She quickly handed it to Xin Qi: "I found a piece."

He took a closer look, touched it again
: "You are very courageous."


    She wanted to say a few light words to adjust the heavy atmosphere. However, it felt inappropriate to speak several times, so she continued to remain silent.

    The two searched in silence for more than an hour, and found seven more bones. It was daylight, the rain gradually stopped, and the hole was getting bigger and bigger.

    Xin Qi finally said: "That's it. She was buried too shallow. It is not easy to find so many bones."

   The two Crawling out of the pit, because of kneeling for too long, the pain in the knee joint was unbearable, and she couldn't stand up straight for a long time, so they had to support each other and lean on the trunk.

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