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She froze for a moment.

    "I saw it."

    She said softly, her voice was full of concern, "I was also on the side of the road at the time. I saw Min Hui..."

    Xin Qi coughed, and she immediately stopped knowingly.

    "Xi Yue, I want to ask you about Min Hui."

    She straightened up subconsciously: "Please tell me."

    "You knew Min Hui before, right? Do you know her?"

   Xin Qi sat on the opposite sofa , squinted his eyes, and said lightly, "About her and Cheng Qi Rang... I want to know something."

    Lin Xi Yue was stunned for a moment, put the juice on the coffee table, and cleared her throat seriously: "Mr. Xin, do you have any questions? Feel free to ask any questions, I know everything.”

    Seeing that she was a little nervous, Xin Qi smiled and comforted her: “Please don’t worry too much. Although Min Hui is the mother of my son, the time I spend with her is very short, and we don’t know each other well. We don't know each other very well, and having a child is also an accident."

    She was thinking about the meaning behind his words.

    Xin Qi went on to say: "She and I have our own lives now, but we both want to fight for the custody of the child. I heard that you used to work with her at Guan Chao, so I want to know about this person from you first. In this way, I will be able to make some strategic preparations when dealing with her in the future."


   Lin Xi Yue thought for a while and said, "Among Guan Chao's employees, women account for only 10%, and most of them are engaged in administrative and secretarial work.

   That year Guan Chao graduated from Huaqing University Many graduates have been recruited, and Min Hui is the best one. She is also very beautiful, so she became a popular figure as soon as she entered Guan Chao. Boys lined up to pursue her, some just had a crush on her, and some were very .

   The one who chased her most fiercely was Wang Tong Yuan, the leader of her team.

   Wang Tong Yuan was very obsessed with Min Hui, and used his position to launch various offensives against her, and often kept her to work overtime with him in the name of work Min Hui was so annoyed that she threatened to complain to HR, so Wang Tong Yuan restrained himself a bit, but started to wear small shoes for her at work. I don’t know why Cheng Qi Rang let me know about this matter, and Wang Tong Yuan was transferred away within a few days.

    Yes, Min Hui was appointed as the team leader. You must know that she had only worked for three months at the time and had not yet become a full-time employee.

   That team was the gold medal team of Guan Chao R&D Department. This appointment is very unconvincing..."

    "What happened later? How did things happen between her and Cheng Qi Rang?" Xin Qi asked.

    "Cheng Qi Rang admired Min Hui very much, and praised her by name at several conferences. The project that Min Hui worked on at that time was called "Black Dot", which was the first project that Guan Chao tested AI medical treatment. Cheng Qi Rang wanted to be a hit and was very enthusiastic about the project. He, spared no effort to lead Min Hui to promote and publicize.

    Of course, Min Hui was also very upbeat, took the project to participate in the industry competition, and won a big prize. .

   However, many people were not convinced, and felt that without Cheng Qi Rang's help, Min Hui would not be possible. Write such a good code. There are also some rumors that the relationship between the two of them has become so close that it has surpassed the scope of colleagues..."

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