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"Are you so late?"

   He glanced at her and said lightly, "Traffic jam?"

    He was wearing a light gray suit and a royal blue tie today, and looked handsome and radiant.


     She pulled out the earphones and stuffed them into her ears, but he pulled them off without hesitation and stuffed them aside, "Don't listen to music."

    "What do you want?"

    She gave him a blank look.

    "Let's talk."

   His voice was low and full of style, "Min Hui, I've been waiting for this moment for a long time."

   Min Hui picked up the phone and called up the tape recorder inside: "Let's talk, I'll record the whole process."


    He With a sneer, she snatched it away, and turned off the machine repeatedly, "It's common sense that you can't turn it on on an airplane."

    "FXXK!" She cursed in her heart.

    He looked at her and smiled mysteriously: "What brand of perfume do you use, it smells so good? It reminds me of spring. I want to buy one for my wife."

   Seeing her indifferent, he said to himself "Well, let me guess—Burberry Her Blossom, isn't it? Sprinkle it on, and you'll feel like you're walking on the Avenue of Flowers in London..."

   The biggest difference between Cheng Qi Rang and ordinary men is that he has a keen sense of smell like a wolf . Especially sensitive to body odor. He does not allow assistants and secretaries around him to eat leeks, garlic, onions, curry and other foods before or during work.

   In Ben Cheng, where barbecue is unprecedentedly popular, in order to avoid cumin, he would rather detour travel far.

    He also has a terrible cleanliness fetish. He will fire the secretary and the cleaning lady at the same time because the desk is not clean.

    It is said that the deterioration of his relationship with his wife began when his wife kept a dog.

    Cheng Qi Rang didn't like the smell of animals, and he didn't like getting their hair stained. He hated cats, and dogs even more.

    So he has studied all kinds of aromas, and likes the aromas of flowers, woods and various baking flavors. He likes to compliment the scent of perfume on the female employees, and he can always make a good guess. Every March 8th Women's Day, the company will send a bottle of perfume that he personally selected in the gift.

    Min Hui's bottle of Burberry Her Blossom was given by Cao Mu, and it was almost used up. She didn't want to throw it away, so she diluted the last bit with water and poured it into the shower gel. 

  Cao Mu said that Cheng Qi Rang liked perfume since he was in college, "if you know how smelly the boys' dormitory is". 

   In order to pursue him, the girl in the dormitory did not hesitate to use the money from her part-time job all summer to buy expensive perfumes to win his favor.

    "Do you know what smells the most fragrant in the world, Cheng Qi Rang?"

   She sneered, "It's character. No perfume can cover up a stench."

    Cheng Qi Rang's face suddenly became gloomy, and he was about to open his mouth to refute. He was carrying a computer by himself.

   He hurried past him, then turned back suddenly: "Qi Rang?"

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