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"I see. "

,Cao Mu said with a smile, "I also generally cast nets and focus on catching fish. Two private placements have already been negotiated, each investing 40 million. It's almost time to find another one. BBG is just an option. "

    "Well. "

  ;Min Hui replied blankly, "Sister Cao, as soon as you go on a business trip, Xiao Di and Xiao Ning will be handed over to Brother Yin Xu. Is he busy?" 

    " I don't care about the children even if I'm not on business. He's always been in charge. Aren't we going to start a business recently? My family, Yin Xu, is very supportive. He does all the housework and doesn't let me interfere at all. I said that I need to pay for it myself, and my family can come up with 2 million, but there is still a shortfall of 400,000. He ran back and cried poorly to his parents, and got back half a million while crying. "

    Cao Mu said with a smile, "At the beginning, Yin Xu insisted on marrying me, but his mother firmly disagreed. Knowing that we took the marriage certificate behind her back, she was so angry that she almost hanged herself. Didn't come on the wedding day, didn't come when the two kids were born, and still doesn't talk to me. Yin Xu also quarreled with his parents a few times because of this. Let him go back to get money, it must be difficult for him. "

    Every time Yin Xu is mentioned, Cao Mu's demeanor is always three points proud and seven points sweet, which is enviable. Obviously, Yin Xu still hasn't confessed about his cheating. Bai'an is in dire straits now, and Min Hui doesn't want to be here. The time is clear.

    Seeing Cao Mu's eyes smile into a line, Min Hui can't laugh or cry.


    The train arrived in Bei Jing at ten o'clock in the morning. Min Hui sent a text message to Xin Qi after reporting to the conference preparation team, asking what time is the evening? If she has time, she can send Su Quan there. She wants her son to stay with Xin Qi for a few days, so that she can concentrate on the meeting and let the father and son reunite.

   Xin Qi replied immediately: "The meeting is in progress  , It will be over soon. How about you come to the company to find me and have lunch together? "

    At the same time, he sent her an address.

    The Asia-Pacific branch of the Bluebird Group is on the eighth floor of a magnificent building on Financial Street.

    Min Hui led Su Quan out of the elevator, and smelled a strong fragrance of flowers. There was an indoor garden in the middle of the hall, planted with various flowers such as wisteria, anthurium, Chinese rose, rose, and Clivia. It is colorful and green all around. If she look closely, she can recognize sansevieria, monstera, dripping Guanyin, and occasionally a few tall cactus with cool purple flowers.

    Turn left along the light above the head, and an elegant office area appears.

  A beautiful woman in a suit and skirt full of fragrance walked over with a smile: "Hello."


    Min Hui was inexplicable "I'm looking for...Xin Qi."

    "What's your surname? Do you have an appointment with him?"

    "My surname is Min. I just contacted him, and he asked me to come directly."

    "Oh, Miss Min Hui?"

,   She said honestly, with a soft tone like a feather tickling his ears, "Ethan specifically ordered. His meeting is not over yet, but soon, let you wait in his office for a while. Please follow me. By the way, I'm Li Xin."

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