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Fill in her personal information.

    Zhou Ru Ji glanced at it and asked, "You also use Baihe.com?"

    Min Hui buckled the phone: "How do you know?"

    Zhou Ru Ji smiled and said, "I also have an account, and the pattern on this page is too familiar."

Min Hui continued to type in: "How long have you been using it? Is it good?"

  "  I don't have time to use it. People who have surgery every day don't have time for a blind date."

  "Never met a single face?"

    "Yes, but I have. A few, I ate a few meals, and after talking about it, I didn’t like it very much, so I didn’t talk about it.”

   “ So it’s because you didn’t like her?”

    “Yes. My qualifications are relatively good: 33 years old, medical Ph.D., high professional title, parents are government cadres, and I am not ugly, right? I am married for the second time, why should I force myself to do something?”

   “It sounds like a lot of vicissitudes.”

    “A person who has been divorced once knows that the relationship is broken. What is the price? It’s like falling out with a good friend. If you dare to turn over the first time, you dare to turn over the second time.”

    Zhou Ru Ji turned the steering wheel skillfully, “Been there, done that.”

   “But you never learn.”

    “I tried hard, really Yes. My mother said that the relationship between husband and wife is like a house. When the light bulb is broken, you can change the light bulb. You can’t change the house just because the light is out. However, the problem between me and my wife is not as small as the light. My dream is to be a first-class surgeon and let me give up my dream for marriage...I can't do it. Can you understand?"

    "Understand." Min Hui smiled and waved the phone, "Look, I just registered less than two years ago. Within minutes, someone sent me a text message. Wow, two messages!"

    "Tell me, what's going on?"

    "One is 35 years old, 1.76 meters tall, and weighs 90 kilograms. The other is 29 years old, 1.73 meters tall, and 75 kilograms. I think this 75 kilograms is not bad, and looks good. It looks pretty smart."

    Min Hui Zoom in on the boy's photo, look left and right, and study it carefully.

    "Why do I feel like you're picking watermelons?"

    "Hahaha." Min Hui continued to type into the phone, "Now, I want to tell them that I have a baby in my belly and ask them if they mind. If anyone doesn't mind, I will tell them Who will meet."

    After the text message was sent, it disappeared immediately, and the two people who had a passionate chat with her just now seemed to have evaporated in an instant, and there was no reply.

    Seeing her sighing and sighing, Zhou Ru Ji said: "I told you at noon, I don't mind. You see, the child in your belly is born, there must be a father, right? When going to kindergarten, every child have parents, but he doesn’t have one, how sad. It’s very important to give the child a normal home and let him have both parents.”

    “You really don’t mind?”

   “Let me tell you the truth :I want to catch up with the last batch of welfare housing in the hospital this year. Have you heard of "Tianrun Community"? There are four high-rise apartments on the east side of this street, which were built by our university. The scenery is good, the location is good, The price is only one-third of the surrounding price, which is equivalent to half buy and half free. But the leader said that it will only be distributed to those who are married and lack housing. With my professional title, if I get married, I can have three bedrooms and two living rooms."

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