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    Although his face was covered with blood, Xin Qi rarely lost his temper. He just took a piece of soft cloth from the driver and swept the glass particles on the seat to the ground. He glanced at the wind and rain outside and said, "Come in and talk."

    Min Hui was a little dazed, she didn't know why the person in Cheng Qi Rang's car suddenly became Xin Qi. 

    After thinking about it carefully, she understood: this place is not far from the company's gate, and Cheng Qi Rang is also the CEO of a large group, so it is impossible to stalk her in public. It might be that his car left.

   Seeing her strange expression, Xin Qi drove after her. Both cars were black and could not be seen clearly in the heavy rain...

    Min Hui sat in obediently, seeing the blood on his face The drops on the snow-white shirt looked particularly glaring, and she said embarrassingly, "I'm sorry, I mistook the person, go to the hospital quickly."

   After speaking, she sat beside him, shrunk her shoulders, bit her lip, and fell silent.

    In fact, her strength is limited, and the hole opened by the brick is not big. The glass of the car is tempered when it is manufactured. Even if there is an external force, it will be broken into particles. Under normal circumstances, it will not cause serious cuts to personnel. .

    But Xin Qi's appearance was a bit scary. She looked carefully and found that they were all small wounds, but all of them were bleeding profusely, creating the impression that "the face was covered with blood". 

  There was no first aid kit in the car. Xin Qi thought it was not a big deal, so he asked the driver to find a pharmacy and buy some band-aids and medical alcohol to clean and stick the wounds one by one. 

   Min Hui wiped off the remaining blood on his face with a wet tissue. It was obviously clean, but after a while, the blood seeped out of the band-aid and continued to drip out.

    "Why can't the blood stop?"

   She said anxiously, "It's been more than ten minutes, you should go to the hospital! The wound needs to be cleaned thoroughly, there may be glass fragments in it."

     "I take anticoagulants every day , The bleeding will be slow to stop," he said, "but it will stop, don't worry."

    She sat next to him in shame and frustration, thinking that she had blocked him on WeChat, and it was inappropriate to sit too close, so she leaned tightly against the window. 

  Xin Qi was still sitting at the place where the car window was smashed, the rain came in from the outside, half of his suit was wet, and with the blood on the collar, he looked very embarrassed. 

  Min Hui herself was not much better, her hair was piled up in locks behind her head, and water was still dripping from it.

    "I always thought you had a better temper than mine, but I didn't expect you to be angry enough to be scary."


    " You said you misunderstood the wrong person, who do you think I am?"

    "...Cheng Qi Rang."

    He narrowed his eyes Eyeing her, he said after a moment, "If you want to talk about what happened between you and him, I'm all ears."

      She shook her head  .

    "I don't want to say it, and I don't force it."

      His watch rang, he took out a bottle of medicine from his pocket, poured a pill into his mouth and swallowed it, and said, "Anyway, you hate him, I got it "

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