52.Who is He

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   After He Hai Xiang withdrew from the management team, the vacancy was replaced by Ma Xin, the human resources director of Bai An. The news reached He Hai Xiang's ears. He believed that Cao Mu had already found a spare tire, and she was determined to kick him out. He called Ma Xin to the office and scolded him. The five members of the group are regarded as traitors, and they are strictly checked on attendance, are not allowed to ask for leave, and their work is fully arranged.

    AAR, the transaction team selected by Cao Mu, has already started working at full capacity, preparing all bidding documents for MBO. Seeing that the deadline is approaching, everyone is still arguing over the first round of offers. 

  Yan Cheng Li, Xu Guang Jian, and Ma Xin all believe that 132 million is already high enough and there is no need to increase it. 

    Cao Mu and Min Hui were slightly worried, but they also believed that the offer should pass the first round of screening safely.

    "BBG is not willing to pay the 30 million."

    Min Hui said at the meeting, "I called Xin Qi, but he refused."

   "Is there no room for negotiation?" Cao Mu asked.

    "Not at all."

    "What about Fenglin Capital? How are you talking with Xie Anpei?"

    Yan Chengli asked.

    "I have talked with three private equity CEOs. They disagreed with the price increase. After discussing for a long time, they finally said that if there is an increase of 30 million, each of them will contribute 10 million, but the proportion of our team's shareholding must be from 28% to 20%." Cao Mu said.

    "What? Drop eight points all at once?" Xu Guang Jian was stunned, "It's too deceitful, I don't agree!"

 "   I also object." Ma Xin agreed.

    "They are also looking out for their own interests, there is nothing wrong with that."

    Yan Cheng Li sighed, "I disagree, but I can understand. After all, if you invest more money, you have to take an extra risk. Mr. Cao, see if you can talk to him about it. 26%?"

    "I've tried it, but I don't want to."

    "Then how much do you think Cheng Qi Rang will bid?"

  Min Hui asked, "If you want to win it?"

    "132 million is already very competitive. Cheng Qi Rang may not pay such a high price. AAR suggested that we should not pay such a high price in the first round. After all, it is only intentional. In the second round, we will increase the price according to the opponent's situation."

    Yan Cheng Li said, "AAR wants us to fix the price as soon as possible. Their documents are ready, and tomorrow is the deadline."

   " There is a possibility of withdrawing capital at the last second, and people will think that we are unreliable in the future, and we may be eliminated in the first round." Ma Xin said.

    "The headquarters first looks at the price. In order to win, I think it needs to add another 30 million, 20% is 20%, and there is still 4% in the hands of everyone. We strive to make the cake bigger. 4% is also a lot of shares. .” Cao Mu said.

    "I agree with Sister Cao's opinion."

   Min Hui nodded, "We worked so hard, isn't it just to get Bai'an? If the bidding fails because of a lack of 30 million yuan, and the 30 million private equity people are willing to pay, I will regret it when the time comes."

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