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    "Is this inconvenient?"

    "Xin Qi, you and I are both people who have died once, so you don't need to hide your words."

    Min Hui stood up, took fifty yuan from her wallet and put it on the table, "Since you hate Me, we don’t need to contact so many people, just try our best to be good parents of our children. I will move out of the apartment in Ivy Garden tonight.”

    She kept her word, and after making a phone call, she found out that she used to rent  in Mingsen Community.  The apartment was still empty, so she packed all her clothes in a suitcase that night and left Block A of Ivy Garden.

    From then on, she has the right to visit her child every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday night, and all day on Sunday, and other times can be flexibly arranged as long as she is notified in advance.

   Xin Qi has no problem with this. On the contrary, every time when handing over, he treated her more politely and politely. Both of them try to avoid more conversations, and the content of communication is limited to matters related to children. 

   As for the changes or current situation of the two parties in work or life, no one will take the initiative to inquire. Life is like a couple who have just divorced.

    What depressed Min Hui the most was that Su Quan quickly adapted to this arrangement. He was very happy every day with Xin Qi, and he didn't show much nostalgia for her.

    The habit of "feeling milk" at night disappeared quickly. Two weeks later, Su Quan gradually turned into a copy of Xin Qi. He looked like his father in the way he spoke, even in every frown and smile.

   He even used more English words in the conversation. Xin Qi did not spoil his son, and assigned him some simple housework.

   Min Hui was surprised to find that her son became more sensible day by day under his education.


    A month's vacation will pass quickly. On the last day, Min Hui came to Bai'an to go through the resignation procedures, and found that Bai'an had moved from Xianghe Building to Chenzhong Building where Guan Chao is located, which is where she used to work a few years ago.

    After a month of integration, Bai'an experienced unimaginable personnel turmoil. 

    First of all, more than 100 employees were laid off by half, and all the administrative staff including Ma Xin, the director of personnel, were laid off.

    There was only one Yang Bei Bei who was reluctant to stay because she heard that she used her family connections.

   Secondly, each team was broken up and split into Guan Chao's existing research and development projects. Some members of the team were separated by several floors, and some were simply transferred to other parks, so they couldn't even see each other. 

  What Min Hui cares most about is her five core teammates. After exhausting all her resources, Cao Mu finally arranges them together and continues to work on the 2.0 version of GS.

    "It's not easy," Cao Mu said afterwards, "Ding Yi Feng wanted to take away the GS project and hand it over to his confidants, but those people couldn't understand the explanatory documents you left behind, so I pretended to be stupid when they asked me. He said that he could only ask you to come and explain himself. Ding Yi Feng didn't want to look for you, so he put it down for the time being."

   " As long as they are still together." Min Hui sighed in relief, "I'm here to go through the resignation procedures. "

    He Hai Xiang asked me to tell you that you have to tell Cheng Qi Rang directly about resignation, and he must approve it."

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