30.Sense and Sensibility

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    Min Hui felt that the most depressing thing in this world was seeing her enemies getting stronger and stronger. The most aggrieved thing is that she actually need to plead with this powerful enemy.

    There must be a kneeling action in the middle.

    At this moment, her heart was full of quarrels:

    Min Hui: For the sake of the child's life, she must ask Cheng Qi Ren, no matter how embarrassing it may be.

    Crazy Wisdom: As long as there is a way not to ask him, I am willing to do it. I would rather go to jail or commit a crime!

    Logical Wisdom: This is a matter of life and death. Right and wrong, emotions, and dignity are not the primary issues.

    Crazy Wisdom: In fact, you can still leave Cheng Qi Rang aside, you can go to Singapore to find Cheng Guang Yi yourself. A person with medical ethics will not just sit idly by. You can empathize with him, understand him with reason, and then give him a hundred bangs...

Logic Wisdom: Pull it down. You are not the only one whose son has a heart attack. All the mothers of sick children want the best doctor. If Cheng Guang Yi was really so easy to talk to, his schedule would have been packed. It is impossible for him to have time to go to Singapore and stay there for a few months.

    Crazy Wisdom: Can you use the aggressive method?

    Logic Wisdom: Excuse me, is there anything in your hand that can excite him?

    Crazy Wisdom: Ahhhhhh...

    In the end, reason overcame emotions, logical wisdom defeated Crazy Wisdom, and Min Hui decided to ask Cheng Qi Rang to intercede.

    Except for that chance encounter at Starbucks, she hadn't spoken to Cheng Qi Rang for four years. She deleted the phone number, blocked WeChat, unfollowed him, and burned his business card——Cheng Qi Rang had completely disappeared from her life.

    At work, however, it's also impossible to completely avoid this person. Because they are all in the field of science and technology, all are software engineers, and they are all engaged in AI.

     In recent years, Guan Chao has also begun to shift its focus to AI medical care. In order to occupy the market, it has spent a lot of money to develop platforms and build ecosystems. , seems to be an industry leader. Even Min Hui's boss, He Hai Xiang, is closely watching Guan Chao's movements. He knows Cheng Qi Rang and often bumps into him in meetings. Probably because of Cao Mu's reminder, and in order not to arouse Min Hui's disgust, he seldom mentions Cheng Qi Rang directly.

   The word "Cheng Qi Rang" was replaced by "Guan Chao International".

    "Everyone should have confidence in technology stocks. You can see how much 'Guan Chao International' has risen!"

    "Guan Chao recently released a new product. Everyone should pay close attention to it. They are more in line with international standards. This may be the latest Trend.”

    “What makes Tide watch better than us is that they have a platform and it’s a big platform. Zheng Lan started his career on the Internet with abundant funds, and now he’s willing to spend money on cooperation with hospitals and data acquisition—ah, it’s easy to do things with money. Ah!"

    Every time He Hai Xiang mentions watching the tide, Min Hui has a dull expression, doesn't answer, doesn't make any comments, and concentrates on drinking tea with her head down...

    Min Hui deleted Cheng Qi Rang's information so thoroughly that she  hasn't found his mobile phone number for a long time. Sitting beside Su Quan's hospital bed, she thought it over and decided to call Wei Yong Cheng, Cheng Qi Rang's assistant. Wei Yong Cheng is Min Hui's junior, three years younger than her, and was recruited into Guanchao headquarters together with Min Hui when he graduated from undergraduate. Because the two of them knew each other in college, so they have a good relationship.

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