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She checked the news in the work group on the mobile phone, and replied to a few WeChat messages, and there was a murmur of conversation behind her, and a few words drifted into her ears: ——Wow, this is the legendary

    Min Hui, Don't mess with him, she had a lawsuit with Mr. Cheng back then.

    ——Sure enough, she is beautiful, and the gravitational waves are so strong...

    ——She is single, do you dare to chase her?

    - They already have children.

    Boys' gossip is scarier than girls' gossip. 

   Min Hui turned her head abruptly, trying to find the sarcastic person, but the moaning sound suddenly disappeared. 

    Ding Yi Feng strode in. There were obviously two vacancies in the first row. He chose to sit on Min Hui's right hand seat. He cleared his throat and said, "The meeting is now. All departments and project teams will discuss the current progress and Report any problems you encounter."

    There were more than 30 people sitting in the small meeting room, and the first row near the "leader" was a bit crowded, and the distance between the chairs was only a palm width.

    There are many regular meetings to watch the tide - Min Hui had a deep experience when she first worked a few years ago, and now it has become even worse. Three or five meetings a day is normal, and seven or eight meetings are not surprising. Because the park is scattered, the departments are complex, and there are various conference calls.

    The time seemed lengthy and boring, each department reported one after another, and each person in charge held a pile of forms and muttered in a mechanical tone. 

  Min Hui almost fell asleep after hearing this, and had to drink a few sips of coffee to refresh herself.

    As soon as the hot coffee entered her mouth, she immediately realized that something was wrong somewhere in her body. He lowered his head and thought about it, and immediately understood. Through the white tablecloth, Ding Yi Feng's thigh was tightly touching her right leg.

    At first she thought it was unintentional, because the seats were too crowded after all. 

   So she moved her leg to the left a bit. A second later his leg moved over and continued to rest on her lap.

    She turned her head away and coughed, cueing him to move his leg away.

    Ding Yi Feng glanced at her with a half smile, indifferent. After a while, he gently rubbed her calf with the toe of his shoe.

    The long tablecloth hides everything. Min Hui was wearing a gray suit and skirt, with only a layer of stockings on her calves, she was so disgusted by his actions that she vomited.

    The toe of the shoe repeatedly rubbed against the belly of the calf... On the table, Ding Yi Feng sat upright, holding a marker in one hand, and kept marking the key points on the document, as if nothing happened under the table.

    Min Hui's hand flicked suddenly, the coffee cup fell over without the lid, and the brown coffee spilled out, right on his crotch.

    There is still steam in the thermos. The coffee was just poured, and it was about eighty or ninety degrees. Ding Yi Feng couldn't help but let out an "oh", his thighs were hot, and he stood up in pain.

    Fortunately, the pants were black, and apart from a piece of wetness, he couldn't tell. He had to walk quickly to the bathroom.

    There was another murmuring voice behind her, and Min Hui calmly took the coffee cup and went to the nearby tea room to refill the coffee, without covering the lid, and continued to sit in her seat.

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