16.1-Deng Chen

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   When Min Hui saw this posture, how dare she run? Xin Qi already had a heart attack, and after drinking, he couldn't stand up straight, and couldn't fight at all. 

   The man danced the pickaxe so loudly that Xin Qi couldn't resist with his bare hands, so he could only dodge left and right and back again and again. 

   Min Hui hurriedly pulled down two bamboo sticks from the nearby fence, threw the thicker one to Xin Qi, and took the remaining one to join the battle group, screaming at the top of her voice while beating: "Help! Help! Someone is robbing!"

  With an extra weapon in his hand, Xin Qi immediately counterattacked. 

  Although the robber's pick was powerful, he was wearing a helmet after all, so his movements were not very flexible.

    The two fought seven or eight rounds. The sharp pick first poked two big holes in the bamboo stick in Xin Qi's hand, and then split it into pieces. In two paragraphs, Xin Qi swung the pick at the end and was held tightly by Xin Qi with a pair of sticks.

   Min Hui took the opportunity to kick forward and hit the robber's knee. Min Hui hit her with a pickaxe—it was about to hit her on the head, Xin Qi rushed to block it—with a blunt "Poof!", the two fell into the paddy field at the same time.

   The man was about to chase down with a pickaxe when the motorcycle came back with lightning speed. The person on it blew a whistle to signal him not to fight.

   The man jumped on the motorcycle and sped away.

    The two crawled out of the field, their bodies covered in black mud, like two water ghosts.  

  Although Xin Qi was standing, his body was crumbling, seeing his lips were black and purple, Min Hui was frightened and supported him: "Are you injured?"

   There were several bruises on the chest, back, and back, probably caused by the scratches of the pickaxe. The most serious one was the left shoulder, where there was a blood hole two fingers wide. It was the last hit just now, to protect Min Hui. With a pickaxe, the blood continued to flow out.

    Min Hui touched her body, and then remembered that her backpack had been robbed, and she didn't even have a clean cloth in her hand. She was so anxious that she helped Xin Qi sit down in the grass by the roadside, and let him lean on a tree stump. : "Sit here, I'll go find a bicycle!"

    She remembered that when she came here, there were some farmers nearby. When she looked up, there was a family opposite the rice field. She didn't care about many, and ran over with muddy water. 

   It was lunch time, and a young daughter-in-law at home was lighting a fire with a doll on her back.

   Min Hui explained her purpose and asked if there was any anti-inflammatory and hemostatic medicine at home. The daughter-in-law said no, and went back to the house to find a tube of grass coral toothpaste , Said that everyone in the village used this to reduce inflammation, and found a bottle of purified water, two cloth strips and a diaper, and finally lent her a bicycle. 

   Min Hui rode back to Xin Qi's side, washed the wound with clean water, applied toothpaste around the wound, put on a diaper, and wrapped it tightly with a cloth strip.

    Finally, they put him on the back seat of the bicycle, rode on the bicycle and took him all the way to Xingshui County Hospital.

    The doctor heard that he had a congenital heart disease, so he didn't dare to give drugs indiscriminately. He cleaned the wound and bandaged it again, prescribed a box of oral antibiotics, and gave him a tetanus shot.

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