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  With tasks, she is naturally busy. After coming out of the conference room, Min Hui immediately started working, and it wasn't until she was hungry that she realized that it was time for lunch break, and all the people in the office had left.

    She went to the restaurant on the first floor and ordered a crispy salted chicken rice, plus two meat buns, and found a seat by the window and sat down. She had just started eating when she heard someone say "Hi" to her, and when she looked up, it was Zhou Ru Ji, a part-time employee of the company, the chief physician of the Oncology Department of the Affiliated Hospital of Bin Cheng University. This hospital is just across from Xianghe Building.

    AI and medicine are actually two completely different worlds, and there is usually no intersection. Generally speaking, people who write programs do not understand medicine, and doctors do not write programs. But project development needs to tie these two types of people together, so the company hired some medical consultants and part-timers. Zhou Ru Ji was one of them. He was in his early thirties. He was the youngest and most computer-savvy among this group of doctors.

    Zhou Ru Ji sat down opposite her, looked at her bowl, and said with a smile, "Why is it salted crispy chicken and meat buns again? There are quite a few dishes on the menu, so can't you order them instead?"

    "What did you eat? What?"

    "Celery Lily." After speaking, he opened the lunch box, one white and one green, with rice underneath.

    "So vegetarian?"

    "Occasionally eat meat."

    Min Hui was still thinking about how to write the API. She wanted to finish eating early and go back to the office to work, so she stuffed buns into her mouth in two bites.

    "Eat slowly, okay?" Zhou Ru Ji couldn't stand it anymore. "If you eat this kind of starchy staple food so fast, you can imagine the speed of blood sugar rise and the pressure on the pancreas. The mouth is not chewed enough, and the saliva is not enough. With full stirring, some poisonous and harmful substances will not be eliminated, and they will all enter your body."

    It was still the most effective threat from experts, and Min Hui suddenly became chewing slowly.

    "Well. That's about the same. Don't sit down immediately after eating, go out for a walk, otherwise you will easily get fatty liver, diabetes, hyperlipidemia..."

    Min Hui couldn't help interrupting him: "I'm not your patient, why talk so much."

   " Mr. Cao said that the company plans to build an imaging AI screening system for breast cancer, and hopes that I will be a consultant in this area. By the way...the person in charge is probably you?"

    "President Cao didn't tell me." Min Hui sucked her finger, "She has several teams under her, maybe they were assigned to someone else."

    "It must be you." Zhou Ru Ji chewed the celery slowly, "They all said you are amazing, oh no, you are the best."

   " Then I will ask her when I see her at night."

    "Are you going to her house at night?"

    "Yes. "

   " She let me go too."

    "Oh." Min Hui thought to herself, since when did the talk about work change to talk at the Boss's house, and she couldn't help but wonder, "Why? Talking about breast cancer during dinner is so depressing."


    "She must be trying to match us up." Zhou Ru Ji blinked, "Yesterday she specifically asked me if I have made any progress on personal issues."

    Min Hui glanced at his finger: "Are you single?

    " Marriage once." Zhou Ru Ji curled his lips, "My wife thinks that I work too long, saying that I don't care about my family at all. After work, I just fall asleep and don't pay attention to her at all."

  It's quite straightforward  .

    Min Hui smiled and said, "How many hours do you work a month?"

    "Three hundred hours."

    "I'm about the same when I'm busy."

    "So I think it's suitable for us to be together. You ignore me, I don’t care about you and don’t complain about each other.”

    “Since you ignore each other, why are you together? Isn’t it better to live alone?”

   “When you are free, you still feel lonely. Life can’t be all work, and you need some Rest and fun, right?"


    "What about you?"

He changed the subject, "Single too?"

    "Conceived first."

    "I don't mind."


    "I don't mind if you conceived first. I like children, the more The more the better."

    Min Hui looked up, thinking he was joking, and couldn't help but look at him seriously: Although he wasn't handsome at the textbook level, Zhou Ru Ji had a burly figure, strong facial features, and a masculine beauty. A pair of lying silkworm eyes are like a pair of crescent moons, and they are particularly cute when they smile. Yang Bei Bei said he was very proud, but Min Hui felt approachable. Only then did she realize that as long as she was in the company, she would "run into" Zhou Ru Ji in the restaurant at noon almost every day.

    She didn't want to give him any hope, so she said lightly, "I'm very busy and don't have time to fall in love."

  "Strange," Zhou Ru Ji smiled faintly, "Then how did you get pregnant?"


    "You plan to be alone Raise this child?"


    "I can help you."

    "No, thank you."

    There was a little worry in his eyes: "I heard that your parents have passed away. Do you have brothers and sisters? Have good friends Like girlfriends or something?"


    "Never, or did they fall out?"


    "We have to go to Mr. Cao's house for dinner that night, what do you think?"

   Seeing her Zhou Ru Ji immediately changed the subject, "After all, she has good intentions."

     "Of course, we can discuss work. Anyway, we will work on projects together in the future." Min Hui said businesslike.

    "Then I'm going to talk about the lymph node metastasis of breast cancer." He laughed.

   "I know, you people who make computers, the ultimate goal of making this product is to eliminate doctors."

   "Of course not." Min Hui corrected, "It's to ease your workload."

    After dinner, the two of them took the elevator back to the office together, chatting and laughing along the way, as if nothing had happened, and they were not at all embarrassed by what happened just now.

    It was the first time Min Hui saw such a man who could advance and retreat freely.

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