25.1-Su Quan's Tears

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    "Then she's still in the hospital? Is anyone taking care of her?" Min Hui asked.

    "She just finished the operation, and there will be radiotherapy and chemotherapy."

     Zhou Ru Ji took a sip of spinach soup, "Her parents are in Xinjiang, so I didn't dare to tell them. The hospital has everything, no special care is needed. Besides, she lives in our hospital. I’m in charge of the ward, and if I want something to eat or drink, I’ll just order a takeaway for her.”

    Yao Zi Zhu’s family background is upper-class, and she’s also the only daughter in the family. When they were together, it was Zhou Ru Ji who took care of her more.

    "Hey, now that plastic surgery is so sophisticated, can't breasts be reconstructed? Put a silicone or something?"

    After all, she has studied breast cancer screening for several years, and Min Hui knows a little bit about related medical knowledge.

    "Yes, and I want to do it." Zhou Ru Ji shook his head, "But she has a blood clotting disorder, so she can't do it."

     "Will this affect dancing?"

    "No." Zhou Ru Ji said, "Big breasts make it inconvenient to dance. Besides It doesn't affect the aesthetics, look at those international supermodels, all of them have flat chest, that's the sense of luxury."

    "That's right."

    That said, Min Hui knows that the recurrence rate of breast cancer is relatively high, even if both breasts are removed. It may not be able to save a life, and she can't help feeling sad.

    The next day, Min Hui made a can of light barley, shrimp and winter melon soup and asked Zhou Ru Ji to take it there.

     In the evening, Ru Ji brought it back as it was, saying that Zi Zhu was in a bad mood, and she didn't eat or care about others, but kept crying.

    "You try to persuade her."

      Min Hui had no choice but to heat up the winter melon soup and served a bowl for everyone.

    "Why didn't you persuade me? You just talked dry."

     Zhou Ru Ji smiled wryly, "This was originally Xia Yi Hang's job, and this kid didn't know where he went. In the first few days, Zi Zhu asked every day if Yi Hang had any Come here. She was very angry, she asked a few times but she didn't see anyone, and then she didn't ask again. The people in their dance troupe are not bad, and they send someone over to accompany her every day."

    "You should also care about her, after all, a husband and wife . "Min Hui sighed.

    "Yes." Zhou Ru Ji drank the soup in the bowl, "Winter melon soup is really delicious. Quan Quan, is it good?"

    Su Quan smiled while eating: "It's delicious, I want more, Dad!"

    "Yo Let’s not talk about it, dad drank it all in one gulp, it’s okay, let mom make another bowl for you.” “

    The recipe she searched on the Internet, she learned it temporarily.” Min Hui took out her phone and flipped through the recipe, “I don’t even remember it. "

    "Let me do it." Zhou Ru Ji got up and went to the kitchen.

    Min Hui doesn't know how to cook. When she was in college, she ate in the cafeteria every day. When she went to work, she either went downstairs to order food or ate takeaway. She couldn't cook once a month. Her parents are good at cooking, especially her mother.

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