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    Min Hui's forum and report are held at eleven o'clock in the morning and one o'clock in the afternoon respectively, with only one lunch time in between.

   In order to stay awake, she did not participate in any social gatherings, and hid in a cafe to prepare PPT after eating only a piece of bread.

   Although she was already familiar with the content of the report, she did not want to have any mistake.

    She turned on her mobile phone and just browsed through the information of the report, when the phone suddenly dinged, and there was a text message from He Hai Xiang, with only one link on it, the title was: "Bai'an High-tech Big Boss, Senior Executives Have Been Deeply Involved in Sexual Harassment Cases ", published on "AI Track".

    "AI Track" is a well-known official account in the AI ​​industry. It mainly focuses on industry information and also publishes in-depth analysis articles. Popular recreational reading.

    Min Hui quickly read the full text and found that the report was obviously malicious. 

    The author did not discover any new content about the "old news" four years ago, but only made a summary of the case and various gossip at that time, and based on this, he performed a vivid interpretation, telling the story of Min Hui's defeat.

      It became a "fairy dance" that was hammered. Cheng Qi Rang is a poor victim, because he is worried about extortion, he can't bear to go to court. 

   Min Hui was fired from Guan Chao due to her misbehavior, and she couldn't find a job for several months.

   In addition, she was pregnant out of wedlock, and her son's origin was unknown. 

   Finally, I don't forget to add a note: At a certain industry reception recently, Min Hui once "molested" Cheng Qi Rang in public, and Zheng Yi Ting threw wine on her body and so on.

    Even though she knew it was a false report, Min Hui still blushed with anger. 

   With the release of GS1.0, she has become a new star in the industry.

   At this time, the old news is found out, and we must wait until the day when she shows up at the highest summit of the industry.

    Obviously, it is to suppress her edge and destroy investment. People's goodwill towards the team lowered Bai An's valuation.

    Min Hui turned off the phone, closed the computer, adjusted her breath, closed her eyes, and took a sip of coffee quietly.

   When she opened her eyes again, she saw Lin Xi Yue walking quickly towards her desk. She wore a white floral dress today, cut in an A shape, with lace embroidered with a circle of silver tassels on the waist, the makeup on her face was very light, and she had a sweet and girlish style.

    Lin Xi Yue is two years older than Min Hui, so she should be thirty-two this year. But she has a small frame and delicate skin, and she looks like a college student who has just started working.

    "Xiao Hui, why are you here?"

    She still called her that way, "The meeting is about to start, and the first one is your report, are you going to enter the venue soon?"

    "There are still thirty-five minutes before the meeting starts. "

   Min Hui glanced at her watch and said calmly, "No rush." ​​

  "  Still angry with me?"

     She sat down and said softly, "It's been so long." "

    "You perjured Cheng Qi Rang , loyal to him, didn't you get the position of sales director?"

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