51.1-Night Light

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   Before the dinner was over, Xin Qi and Min Hui left the hall with their children.

    After all, he had undergone a major operation not long ago, and Su Quan's body was still weak. He only drank a bowl of porridge and a few pieces of pork ribs at the dinner table, and then yelled that he wanted to sleep. 

   The child was leaving, and it was inconvenient for the adults to stay for a long time. Xin Qi picked up Su Quan, walked out of the hall and said to Min Hui, "Go to my apartment, I have a spare room."

   Min Hui knew that he wanted to spend more time with his son . Staying for a while, checking the time, it was less than nine o'clock, so she nodded: "Okay, but we need to get up early tomorrow, and we have a train at ten o'clock in the morning."

    He was slightly startled: "Didn't you
say seven o'clock in the evening?"

    "Sister Cao Mu want to go back early, and there is a lot of work to do before bidding.”

    For example, the management team has not raised enough funds, the MBO procedure is very complicated, and everyone did not expect the remaining investment to be implemented so quickly. The business requires Cao Mu to go back and communicate with the AAR team responsible for the transaction, such as legal, accounting, finance, taxation, valuation, etc., without expert advice, it is impossible to proceed.

    "Then I'll take you to the station tomorrow." Xin Qi said.

    After returning to the apartment on Financial Street, the two of them took a bath for Su Quan. The child played in the bathtub for a while, and soon fell asleep after going to bed.

    "Do you have a balcony?" Min Hui asked suddenly.

    "Yes, but you are not allowed to jump down."

    "I just want to smoke a cigarette."

    The balcony is huge, and the wind is blowing loudly. Min Hui's lighter was out of gas, so Xin Qi had to go back to the house to get a box of matches.

    "Smoking is bad for your health."

    "I don't smoke much."

    After that incident, smoking became her habit of resisting decadence. Before her mother died, in order to avoid her emotional collapse, she smoked a pack a day, thinking that she would never be able to quit, but Su Tian's disappearance woke her up suddenly. Since then, she only smoked once or twice occasionally. But there is always a pack of cigarettes in the bag. There are too many male colleagues in the company, and there are many smokers. Sometimes, in order to mingle with them, she will smoke one or two, which is a kind of entertainment.

    The wind was so strong that she struck three matches without igniting them.

    "May I?"

    She struck the match in the opposite direction to hers, and after lighting it, he held it in a circle with his palm and handed it to her mouth. She took a puff, and slowly exhaled a puff of smoke into the air, which was immediately blown away by the wind.

    He looked at her with more confusion in his eyes.

    "It's foggy."

    She pointed to the dim headlights under her feet.

    "It's very similar to New York, especially at night. When I wake up in the middle of the night, I will be confused, thinking that I live on Wall Street."

    He leaned on the metal fence and looked down, "The streets in Bei Jing are just like New York, square. The climate It’s about the same.”

    “I’ve been in Bei Jing for seven years,” Min Hui said.

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