Your family seems to have a curse resting on you

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Vanessa's: POV

I was in the bath. I had made a home spa for myself. I deserve some luxury. I had bought my favorite bath bomb that turned the water pink.

Then I felt a cold and wet hand on my head

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Then I felt a cold and wet hand on my head. The hand pushed my head under the water. My scream turned into bubbles and the lungs are screaming for oxygen.

"Vanessa." said dad and pulled me up. He wrapped a towel around me. I coughed up water. "Dad, watch out." I replied scared. We both saw the woman. "Ow." said dad. He had a burn mark on his arm. I had one too. "What's going on?" I asked. "I wish I knew." he said.


Adam's: POV

I walking around in town when I saw a second-hand store. I went in and looked around. There were many beautiful things and I was thinking about buying something.

"Do you need help?" asked a woman kindly. "I'm just looking, but thanks anyway." I said and she looked at my arm. "You have met her." she replied. "Met who?" I asked. "La Llorona." said Sheila. "Who's that?" I asked.

"She was a beautiful woman named María who married a rich man. One day, María sees her husband with another woman. In fit of blind rage, she drowns their children in a river, which she immediately regrets.

Unable to save them and consumed by guilt. she drowns herself as well but is unable to enter the afterlife, forced to be in purgatory and roam this earth until she finds her children. It's also said that she kills other children so they know her child's place instead." said Sheila. "That's terrible." I replied. "I suffer with you, your family seems to have a curse resting on you." she said.

I feel for them

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